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Jennifer Abra is Shelburne’s version of the Long Island Medium

April 25, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Michelle Janzen


On May 6, get ready to experience Shelburne’s version of the Long Island Medium as Jennifer Abra does a group reading at the Shelburne Curling Club.

Jennifer Abra is a medium, spiritual teacher, and owner of Spirit School, where she teaches others how to connect with spirit in an online world. Jennifer has the incredible gift of mediumship, which is the ability to channel your loved ones in Spirit. She delivers specific messages of love and encouragement, forgiveness and faith that your deceased loved one wishes most of all to give to you.

In a telephone interview, Jennifer says, “They are always by your side watching over you, listening to you and in some cases, trying to get your attention!”

Jennifer is from Shelburne and her love and passion of mediumship shows in her readings. She resigned from her kindergarten teaching position of over 10 years to pursue her mediumistic side which she discovered in her 40s while raising four children.

Jennifer believes in raising up other women in the business and sees the light in others when they themselves do not. She avidly advocates for those who feel they lack in certain areas and shows them that there is more to life than what we can see.

Jennifer is extremely excited to once again bring forth your loved ones in spirit and to validate to her audience that they never leave our sides.

You will find her group reading similar to a medium reading. Jennifer brings messages from family and friends who have passed over as spirit comes through with very personal, detailed messages and “evidential” information.

“I usually feel a ‘pull’ towards someone, and that’s where we start, and then I move from person to person, based on how spirit shows up,” she tells us.

The environment in a group reading is very powerful, as each individual spirit brings their energy forth, and information comes through in meaningful ways from person to person. Group medium readings may be emotional, but they are often filled with laughter as well.

While messages are personal to each individual, they often contain universal guidance or wisdom that is helpful to you and others in the group.

These sessions give a very good understanding of the afterlife and what happens when we pass and cross over. Group readings are truly special events that can never be duplicated from one group to the next!

I asked the following questions with regard to what happens at a group reading for those who have never experienced one.


Does everyone in the group get read?

“I may not connect or receive a message from the other side for every person in the group.  The spirit world has free will (as we all do) and often only sends messages or connects when the time is right.”


Do attendees get to ask questions?

“For lack of time, there is no opportunity during the medium session to ask questions. However, before you attend, try to ‘ask’ your question to spirit (just say it in your head!) and many times they will bring an answer through for you during the reading.”


Will attendees connect with the spirit they want?

“Again, it’s up to spirit…I do not control who shows up or offers messages. If you are hoping to connect with a particular person, it is helpful to invite them to the reading. You can do this in your mind prior to attending.”


What if someone is skeptical – should they come?

“It depends on the individual. While some skepticism is good and even advisable, total skeptics and non-believers will block the flow of information coming forth for the group. In general, the more open-minded and relaxed one is, the clearer the messages will be.”


When we ask Jennifer to describe how she receives information, she explains, “It’s hard to put into words because I see, hear, and feel things differently than we do in the physical world. Spirit also uses a vocabulary of signs and symbols that they show me during a reading, which over time I have assigned words, phrases, and meanings to and it created a vocabulary for me to work with. I translate my signs and what I feel as best I can, and then deliver the messages, but it’s the client’s job to interpret how the meaning is significant.”


Make sure you get your tickets for this event being held Saturday, May 6, from 1 pm until 3 pm at the Shelburne Curling Club, which is located at 110 O’Flynn Street, as there is limited seating. Tickets are $50 and available on Eventbrite.



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