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Christmas Hamper coordinator thanks community for another successful year

The following message is a thank you letter from Bobbi Ferguson to everyone who helped make the Shelburne Christmas Hamper Program possible this year.

“Dear Generous Friend,


We should all be very proud of our community! The Shelburne Christmas Hamper Program starts the planning process in September of each year to make sure that our Shelburne families get the assistance they need for, what can be, a very difficult time of year. It culminates, usually the Saturday before Christmas on Hamper distribution day, this year on December 18th.

This program has been in existence for well over 50 years in Shelburne and when I was given the privilege of coordinating this program in 2013, who would have known the challenges that the next years would bring? But, with each obstacle, more and more volunteers and supporters rose to the challenge to make sure that we could provide for the growing need. 

A program that eight years ago assisted 60 families was, in 2021, making sure that 163 families received food, toys and gift cards for the Holiday Season. We aren't always perfect and we learn each year what we could do better for next year but the gratitude I feel for the sorters, carriers, deliverers, toy helpers and distributors who come together for the last days of the Hamper Program is overwhelming. Many hands certainly made light work.

In 2013 there were approximately 30 companies, organizations and individuals that donated to the program and in 2021, there are more than 150 generous supporters. They all deserve recognition and a HUGE thank you for their support and I wish that I could call them all out individually here but this letter would become a book and I would also run the risk of missing someone inadvertently. Please know how appreciated all of our supporters are and that we could not do what we do every year without you.

As I mentioned earlier, all contributors cannot be mentioned individually but there are a few that I will single out as they are the backbone of this program and their continued and generous support is invaluable to the success of the Hamper Program. The efforts of the following organizations are greatly appreciated; Shepherd's Cupboard Food Bank, Shelburne Rotary, Kinettes, Lions, Kinsmen, Town of Shelburne, OPP, 10 local churches and a special thank you to the 3 participating local schools; Hyland Heights, Glenbrook and Centre Dufferin District High School.

There are many businesses that help make this program a success and I appreciate them all so very much. To give you an idea of how they participate, I have chosen a few to give a cross-section of support. Local businesses thought creatively to help out even though they had just experienced some very difficult months leading up to the holiday season. The following businesses offered to collect food and toys and/or put up Giving Trees decorated with donation envelopes; Enchanting Esthetics & More, Marg McCarthy Professional Real Estate, Limitless Inc & Rise Physio. 

Tim Hortons – John & Meagen Lewandowski ran a 12 Days of Giving Campaign collecting non-perishable items and had Giving Trees in both locations. They also donated Tim's gift cards to each family. Giant Tiger – Andrew Lewis donated an OPP SUV load of toys, Lennox Farms dropped off enough oranges, cabbage and rutabaga for everyone, Downey's Potato Farms donated 200 bags of potatoes and Compass Church donated dairy products. Thank you to No Frills and Foodland for being so accommodating with my requests. Once again this year, Shelburne Optometry donated 5 eye exams and glasses to those in need.

Thank you to the many individuals and businesses for their monetary donations. I would like to mention a few for their continued generosity; Dufferin Mutual Insurance, Islamic Relief, Albert and Sharon Meeser, Dufferin New Horizons, Hill ‘n Dale Landscaping, Bob Carruthers & family, Aileen & Bill Arnold, Linda Lennox, Ann Crowder and Gladys Evans. Thank you! Also a huge thanks to the Salvation Army for helping us out with toys to make sure we had enough for all children.

The kindness of our sponsors helped make Christmas a little brighter for local families. Each were given a grocery gift card to purchase a turkey, ham or traditional favourite, and a large hamper with all components of a festive dinner, as well as, nonperishable food items, personal care items, potatoes, milk, butter, eggs, cheese, oranges, turnip, cabbage and chocolates. Thank you to Bill and Diane French for your donation of 100 boxes of chocolates!!! Every child 12 and older was given a gift card and parents had the opportunity to select toys, books and games for children under 12. Enough personal care items for each family were donated by ten of the Shelburne area churches. 

Thank you to the Town of Shelburne and Pace Credit Union for being drop off locations for food and toys.

Once again, there were so many not mentioned here who donated and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks to this amazing town's generosity, the Hamper program was a huge success and made our local families, singles and seniors in need, smile.

Each year the need becomes greater in our area and the requests to donate continue to increase. Please know that donations made to the Shelburne Christmas Hamper Program benefits Shelburne families in need of assistance. Monetary donations are accepted throughout the year in preparation for the 2022 campaign. 

Check out our website or email at

All the best for a healthy and happy 2022!

Post date: 2022-01-20 12:12:48
Post date GMT: 2022-01-20 17:12:48
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