
Crossroads Community Church

March 26, 2014   ·   0 Comments

What a gorgeous sunny day as surely as God is Faithful so does spring return each year, let us be grateful for His provision in the last season and the promises of the next. Worship was joyful and encouraging, Bob read Luke 8:22-25 where Jesus calms the storm. Pastor Don shared announcements and prayed, “Dear Father God, we bow before you with humble hearts, help us be a light unto the world pointing them to you, In Jesus name Amen. We continue to pray for families experiencing the loss of a loved one or of employment, we know God is gracious and He will comfort and provide through loving people in the community.

Pastor Don presented an enlightening sermon, “Who has influence in our lives? We all have Friends and family who do and primarily our parents, they were the first to influence who we are and do, now that we are Christians Jesus should be our influence that impacts others. As Believers we have been called to have positive influence on the world. Jesus tells us we are to be the salt and light of the world, “13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Matthew 5:13.

Why is salt a good metaphor? Salt was a valuable commodity in Biblical times, soldiers were paid in salt, that is where we get the word salary, salt had many sought out attributes. Salt not only brings out flavour in food but it also preserves it. So for Christians being called to be salt means being the Spiritual Seasoning in order to preserve society’s moral compass bringing about change, justice and hope. Christianity is responsible for countless relief efforts in poverty stricken and war torn countries as well as during emergency disasters. Christian men and women who stood out from the crowd and lived by faith were able to do much for society, today there are still many who do, however in the average church they are fewer and fewer because unfortunately some don’t follow in their ancestors example of faith instead they look too much like the world around them, they lose their saltiness.  God advises us not emulate the world and not conform to its ways of thinking,” (Romans 12:2).We should initiate thirst for knowing God and the saving power of Jesus and  invoke the desire for the true thirst quencher, Jesus! Overtime what the world offers is not satisfying,” (John 4:13). However Jesus is our spiritual food and water, the chicken soup for our souls so to speak, He truly satisfies despite what goes on in our lives,”(John 4:14).

That being said, being filled by the spirit of God we ought to be making a difference in our world by bringing a message of hope, forgiveness and love. We ought to be presenting this message in word and in deed so as to lead many to God through Jesus Christ, fulfilling the great commission of Matthew 28:19. Just as safety salt helps us walk more safely on icy terrain so should we be pointing people to a safer more peaceful way of living. We do not need to be popular or sensational, we just need to affect our little corner of the world and this will have a rippling effect to a grander scale. Jesus adds to being salt, being a light. 14 “You are the light of the world.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven,” (Matthew 5:14,16). Like a lighthouse guiding boats to shore Christ lights the way to heaven and we are to carry His light within us,(John 8:12). In this day many are living in fear of tomorrow but with Jesus there is no need to fear, there is safety in His light,( Psalm 27:1).

Beloved, people will be naturally drawn to Jesus if we let Him shine through us and His light will remove the darkness overshadowing their lives. In order for that to happen we need to keep walking in the light and examine our words and actions, asking ourselves, “Does our Light help others see Jesus or are we turning off the light?” We are to reflect His light so they can find their way to Him and to avoid growing dim we need to continually seek Him. We do not need to knit pick, judge or point out wrongs, just let the light of Jesus shine like a lamp on a stand. When we humbly live for Jesus we will shine despite our short comings and we will not turn the light out for so many who need to find Him. This week my friends let us not be a hindrance, let us not keep the secret of eternal life to ourselves and as the moon reflects the sun, let us reflect the Son for “In him is life, and that life is the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Have a bright week in His light, Asherey Shalom!

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