

October 11, 2018   ·   0 Comments

SHORT EDITORIAL While the terms of the updated NAFTA agreement were still being negotiated, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Economic Development Minister Jim Wilson flew ...

A tale of two (Supreme) courts

EDITORIAL THEY BOTH HAVE NINE judges, but the highest courts of the land in Canada and the United States could hardly be more different in ...

Hospital beds

BY BRIAN LOCKHART Fortunately, I’ve never had to experience a hospital stay. My only visits as a patient were the result of a couple of ...

Drive clean

SMALL EDITORIAL Since 1999, and up until last year, too many of us had to fork out $30 for a Drive Clean test because we ...

The best trade deal available?

EDITORIAL ALTHOUGH THE REACTION has been mixed, with some critics predicting hard times for Canada’s dairy farmers, the early statements by opposition leaders concerning the ...

Stretching the truth

By Brian Lockhart “The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing – If you can fake that, you’ve got it made!” Yup, Groucho Marx ...

Debt load

SHORT EDITORIAL Thanks to an independent inquiry launched by newly-elected Premier Doug Ford, we now know that Ontario Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk wasn’t pulling our ...

What about the climate change?

EDITORIAL NEARLY FOUR MONTHS into its four-year mandate, Ontario’s new PC (Populist Conservative?) government is doing a great job of ridding the province of just ...

Good reasons to be proud

Written by BRIAN LOCKHART   “Give me a place to stand, And a place to grow, And call this land, Ontario, A place to stand, ...


SHORT EDITORIAL When the top three people in government, including the country’s prime minister, are found guilty of ethics violations, it is safe to assume ...

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