Current & Past Articles

Dufferin Men’s Shelter opens with a focus on male advocacy

April 13, 2023   ·   0 Comments

Written By SAM ODROWSKI Homeless men in Dufferin County now have a safe place to land, with Choices’ Dufferin Men’s Shelter opening at 59 Townline ...

Real estate market getting ‘healthier’ in Shelburne

Written By Paula Brown Local Journalism Initiative Reporter The number of houses on the market may be higher, the time between sales longer, and the ...

Royal LePage hosts annual fundraising curling bonspiel in Shelbunre

Written By Brian Lockhart Royal LePage RCR hosted its annual curling bonspiel fundraiser at the Shelburne Curling Club on Thursday, Mar. 30. Around 50 curlers ...

Sports registration day connects players to local leagues

Written By Brian Lockhart Local sports organizations were available to answer questions and sign up players for the 2023 season during a registration day event ...

Pakistan: Endless turmoil

by GWYNNE DYER Last year US President Joe Biden called Pakistan “one of the most dangerous countries in the world,” presumably because of its potentially ...

Parents must be held responsible

by BRIAN LOCKHART A few years ago, I was acquainted with some guys who had a cottage, and they invited me up there a few ...

Police seeking information from the public that may assist in trucking yard robbery investigation

Officers from the Caledon Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are looking for information that may assist with a robbery investigation. On February 16, ...

Police investigating vehicle theft from residence in Grand Valley

 Members of the Dufferin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are currently investigating a theft of vehicle in the Town of Grand Valley. On ...

Shelburne residents charged with drug trafficking following search

Officers from the Dufferin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) seized a quantity of drugs and charged five individuals as a result of an ...

Doge Ram truck stolen in Shelburne, suspects escape police

Members of the Dufferin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are currently investigating a theft of vehicle in the Town of Shelburne. On Tuesday ...

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