General News

Ottawa Journal: National Flag of Canada Day is Coming Soon!

February 11, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By David Tilson, MP Dufferin-Caledon   The Canadian flag is arguably the most revered and important of all the symbols of Canada. We fly our ...

Words Matter

By Sylvia Jones, MPP Dufferin-Caledon   January 29 should have been just another day. Unfortunately, because of the terrible tragedy at the Centre culturel islamique ...

Shelburne Library News

By Rose Dotten   Walk the Wall Challenge At this point in time, we have taken 3.85 million steps! With a little over a month ...

Shelburne Legion News

By Lesa Peat   Thank you Willy! We are having an early Spring. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience of a cold lounge ...

Christian Perspectives: Biggest problem facing the world today

By Rev. Gord Horsley Abiding Place Fellowship   The biggest problem facing the world today is not terrorism, racism, global warming, religious differences, the economic ...

Digital History Project an “exemplary model for learning”

By Marni Walsh   The Ontario Ministry of Education has officially selected Dufferin’s Digital Historian Project (DHP) as an “exemplary model” for Experiential Learning in ...

Justin Besley is making 150 Count

By Michelle Janzen This past Tuesday, January 31, local student Justin Besley had the honour of bringing an anti-bullying assembly to about 1,000 elementary schools ...

LP Stage Productions returns to Family Day’s Shelbrrr Fest

By Marni Walsh Councillor Dan Sample Chair of the Shelbrrr Festival Committee welcomes LP Stage Productions back to perform at the annual Shelbrrr Festival again ...

Women’s March coverage sparks discussion (Letter & Responses)

By Brock Weir The Shelburne Free Press’s decision last week to run a front page photo of two graduates of Centre Dufferin District High School ...

Glenbrook’s Alice in Wonderland boasted cast of 24

On Thursday, January 19, students from Glenbrook Elementary School treated family and friends to a production of Alice in Wonderland. The play was the culmination ...

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