General News

Tipling Stage Company changes “direction”

January 11, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Marni Walsh For the second time in their 2016 -17 season, Shelburne’s community theatre group, Tipling Stage Company, has been forced to “abandon plans ...

From Canada with love Letter-writing project collects over 6,000 Christmas cards for soldiers

By Brock Weir Christmas can be a lonely time for Canada’s servicemen and women posted overseas and in remote parts of the country but, thanks ...

Christian Perspectives: Tackling uncertainty

By Rev. Candice Bist Trinity United Church/Primrose United Church   James H. Olthuis claims that “the ultimate questions of  life lie deep within the heart ...

Shelburne Legion News: Happy New Year!

By Lesa Peat Branch 220 is looking forward to a great 2017. We are back in full swing with Euchre on Monday at 2 pm ...

Driving Costs Continue to Rise in Ontario

By Sylvia Jones, MPP Dufferin-Caledon   We are seeing a growing trend with the Ontario government: they are making it more expensive to own and ...

Ottawa Journal: A Year in Review

By David Tilson, MP Dufferin-Caledon   It’s been over a year since Justin Trudeau and the current Liberal government came to power. Regretfully, 2016 proved ...

Ottawa Journal: A Year in Review

By David Tilson, MP Dufferin-Caledon   It’s been over a year since Justin Trudeau and the current Liberal government came to power. Regretfully, 2016 proved ...

Shelburne marks start of new holiday tradition

By Marni Walsh A lovely new tradition began in Shelburne December 17 as Troupe-Adore presented “Christmas in the Park” at Jack Downing Park on Main ...

Shelburne residents get tax break – sort of

By Peter Richardson   The ratepayers of Shelburne dodged a bullet last night, thanks to Council deciding to leave the tax rate as it had ...

Santa visits the Legion

SANTA VISITS THE LEGION – Even though Santa is super busy this last week leading up to Christmas, he managed to squeeze in a surprise ...

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