General News

Calling All Veterans – past and present

August 20, 2016   ·   0 Comments

By Michelle Janzen   It’s going to be a banner year for current and past veterans in Shelburne. The deadline for Hometown Hero Program, a ...

United Way facing a funding shortfall in Dufferin

By Marni Walsh   United Way Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin spends $100,000 annually on five local non-profits, but is facing a financial shortfall of $50,000 when it comes ...

Connie’s Kitchen at Shelburne Farmer’s Market: “Making a living doing what she loves”

By Marni Walsh When Connie Arteaga retired from working at the Toronto Star, she took the advice of her children and started “making a living ...

Shelburne Market: No Vampires Allowed!

If you love garlic, stop by Bell’s Edge Farm at Shelburne Farmers’ Market on Thursdays and ask Vince Tkaczuk for some of their amazing pesto. ...

Local Minor Lacrosse players earn gold

Two minor lacrosse players recently brought home some major hardware. Jake Doolittle has been a member of the Shelburne Vets Lacrosse Association since he was ...

Shelburne Library News: It’s finally here!

By Rose Dotten   This week is going to be an amazing week at YOUR library Thursday, August 18 @ 2:00 pm CHILDREN AND YOUTH ...

Shelburne Legion News: Say farewell to the Tragically Hip

By Lesa Peat   This Friday, August 19, we will be teaming up with Country 105 FM with a live concert by Colin & Amey ...

Ottawa Journal: A Closer Look at Trudeau’s National Child Care Proposal

By David Tilson, MP Dufferin-Caledon   Earlier this year, it was announced that the Liberal government was working with its provincial and territorial counterparts on ...

Christian Perspectives Article – Leaving a Legacy

By Norm Copeland Bethel Bible Chapel   One of my favourite hobbies is studying my family history. For my birthday this year, my mom bought ...

Crossroads Community Church: Have you lost your joy?

Pastor Don lead us in prayer giving God all the Glory, Honour and Praise for the His guiding hand through all the trials we have ...

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