
Hospice Dufferin opens up nominations for Palliative Care Award

August 19, 2021   ·   0 Comments

Nominations are now open, to recognize an outstanding healthcare professional who provides exemplary compassionate, person-centered care in palliative care in Dufferin County. The Hospice Palliative ...

Justin Trudeau calls federal election for Sept. 20

Written By Paula Brown Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Canadians are heading to the polls for a federal election in a few short weeks. Liberal Leader ...

Senior Cubs secure spot in North Dufferin Baseball League playoffs

Written By Brian Lockhart The Mansfield Senior Cubs have secured a berth in the North Dufferin Baseball League playoffs. The Cubs went up a notch ...

Tangs’ Kitchen closes down Shelburne location

Written By Paula Brown Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Tangs’ Kitchen closed their doors for the last time in Shelburne on Sunday (Aug. 15), after five ...

First ever men’s homeless shelter opens in Dufferin

While services for youth and women facing homelessness have long existed in Dufferin County, there’s been a growing demand for a men’s emergency shelter locally. ...


On Wednesday, August 4, the Dufferin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) charged a driver with impaired operation following a proactive traffic stop. “The ...

Way wows Shelburne crowd with “Rhinestone Cowgirl” tribute to Dolly Parton

Written By Peter RIchardson If you are either a country music fan or simply like Dolly Parton, you should have been in Shelburne’s famed Fiddle ...

News from Your Library

By Rose Dotten Our objective is always to provide you with the service YOU need during these times. It has been exciting to open our ...

Community Library coming to Headwaters this summer

In the Spring, Headwaters was approached by two Grade 11 students from Orangeville District Secondary School (ODSS), Trinity and Victoria. The dynamic duo is part ...

Mono’s Drygas completes 922km trail trek and wants to do more

Written By Peter Richardson One day this summer, Sebastian Drygas, a young man from Mono, decided to take a walk. Well, not really a walk, ...

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