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Christian Perspectives

Habits good or bad, we have them all: What is a habit, the meaning dictionary is as follows,
hab·it:habət/nounplural noun: habits1. a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
In the word of God we see the meaning of a habit to be much different, in Genesis 17:1-3 – God told Abram to (habitually) walk and live before Him. Abram fell on his face as a way of saying, “I am willing, but I cannot do it without you.” God was asking to be first in everything! He wanted Abram to live before Him and do all things with the thought in mind of pleasing Him.
Abram had to form new habits if he was to accomplish the will of God. Abram was accustomed to living for himself so this new way of living would be a big change.
Making good habits, breaking bad ones
In making good habits, and breaking bad habits for most of our life's you do the same things you did yesterday, the day before that, and even the month prior to that. It is estimated that out of every 11,000 signals we receive from our senses, only forty of them are consciously processed. This would mean that most of what we do is really done out of habit, so the real question is can we break old habits, and can we build up new habits.
The answer to this question is all up to each individual. The choice is yours, good or bad, what will you choose. We can make natural habits and spiritual habits. Romans 12:2 – To enjoy what Christ died to give us, we must totally renew our mind and attitude. To say it another way, we must break old destructive habits and build new ones. We can learn to think like God thinks, learn to say what He says and most important learn to choose what it is He wants for us, over what we may think we want for ourselves. Learn to stop acting in our flesh.
A very good habit to get into is to Habitually study of the Word God. In Psalm 1:2 – David formed the habit of studying. As it reads in the word “but his delight is in the law of their Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night.” KJV. II Timothy 3:16 – Every scripture brings conviction and correction.
Hebrews 5:11-14 – The Word of God has the ability to change us, but we must be able to receive the understanding of the three C's conviction, correction and condemnation. In order to put this to action we must have a good understanding of the doctrine of righteousness. If we don't know who we are “in Christ,” we cannot receive correction without condemnation; and therefore, we cannot grow.
Hebrews 4:12 – The Word of God divides soul and spirit. It digs deep and divides right from wrong. It confronts us and requires us to make choices. II Corinthians 3:18 – As we continue in the Word of God we see ourselves as we truly are and we change, but it comes from the Lord and not from works of the flesh. The important things to remember in all of this is God wants us to Agree with Him. Not blame something or someone else, and take responsibility for our actions. Humble ourselves and ask for His help .
Mark 4:24 – The measure of thought and study that you give to the truth that you hear is the measure of truth and knowledge that will come to you. II Timothy 2:15 – Study to show yourself approved by God. Become a Christian who doesn't need to be ashamed, and who accurately understands God's word. We must ask ourselves if God is really first in our lives. We need to develop a habit of studying. As well as a habit of doing what we say we are going to do.
Seeking God, Seek (defined) – Crave, pursue and go after with all your might. To require as a vital necessity in life.
Seek by thinking about. Seek by desiring. Seek by talking about.
To require – to be unwilling to do without,
The person who is seeking God takes time and studies, and educates himself concerning the things of God.
Not long ago, I was invited to go on a Costco shopping trip with a friend, and all I could think about was the great snacks I would be able to get. So much so that the desire became my focus, all I talked about and waiting for the day to go on the shopping trip seemed to take forever. The day arrived and even though I was struggling with a head cold nothing was keeping me away from my snacks. Finally after a 45min. drive we arrive. Can't wait as my friend is busy with photos I head off to find my treat. I was like a horse with blinders on, focused on the goal, and then I saw it, samples of a new kale chip and seven layer dip. The drive home seemed longer. Finally snack time, poured some chips in a bowl, side of dip, then sat down to enjoy. I ate a few and the build up to the treat, was better than the snack. Disappointed again.
If only , my focus could be that strong for God in all things. Shouldn't we at least seek God with the same zeal with which we seek treats?
Jeremiah 2:13 – People forsake God and try to make things happen themselves.
The fear of God is not in most people.
Proverbs 1:7 – The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. We don't even begin to know anything until we have reverential fear of God.
An example of a bad habit is found in Ephesians 4:26-27 – a habit of staying angry, but we can form a habit of dropping it, letting it go, getting over it, forgiving, believing the best of people and realizing we also make mistakes. If you develop a habit of forgiving quickly, this will lead you closer to God, and give you a peace that surpasses all understanding.
Isn't it time for us to start making new habits in our lives by reading God's word and pursuing His desires for our lives?
Praying your habits will become Blessings in your lives.
Post date: 2015-05-28 18:20:22
Post date GMT: 2015-05-28 22:20:22
Post modified date: 2015-06-04 08:21:40
Post modified date GMT: 2015-06-04 12:21:40
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