
Longest election in modern history

August 6, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:
Even with a set election date, the Harper government manages to manipulate democracy, the voters and again use the taxpayer’s money to his advantage. The cash-rich Tories can make the most of their war chests, while the rest of the country is focused on the last days of summer, making the most of family and vacation time and the expensive and time-consuming task of preparing our children to go back to school.
After a decade of Harper, we can see that the government and David Tilson, are not fighting for Canadians or Dufferin-Caledon residents. We need to elect a government that cares about health care, education and putting more money in the pockets of those Canadians that need it the most – the families, seniors, and our neighbours who are working too hard for too little.
While middle class Canadians are struggling to make ends meet and living paycheque to paycheque, Harper’s plan, gives billions in benefits to the wealthiest few and will do nothing to help us get ahead. Thomas Mulcair has no answers on the economy and irresponsibly supports Harper’s plan to give more money to millionaires. Under Justin Trudeau’s leadership, we have a strong team that is ready to bring better government to Ottawa. Over the next 76 days, we will be working hard and will continue sharing our plan for real change with Canadians in Dufferin-Caledon.
We should all be outraged by a 76 day election, because it is us, the taxpayers who will forced shell out the estimated $2.8 million each day that Harper extends the election past the standard 37 day campaign period.
Ed Crewson,
Dufferin–Caledon Federal Liberal Candidate



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