Shelburne Free Press
Export date: Wed Feb 19 8:47:12 2025 / +0000 GMT

Dipping into the past...

Thursday, August 28, 1890
• egularly every year, the dog poisoning fiends strike Orangeville. The slaughter lasts about two weeks, and many harmless canines are sacrificed. During the past week a dozen dogs of all sizes and breeds have died from the effects of poison administered by some person or persons unknown. Rewards have been offered for the apprehension of the perpetrators of these outrages, but the slaughter still continues. In nearly every case the poisoned canines were family pets, and this fact makes the poisoning fiends crime a doubly black one.
• Mrs. Hambly, the wife of an Orangeville laborer, residing in a hovel on Bythia Street, has for some time past been of unsound mind and her actions and language have made burdensome to the denizens of that locality. The woman appears to receive little or no care from her husband and lives in the utmost squalor, surrounded by a brood of youngsters. Yesterday, two of the residents of the street swore out a warrant for the unfortunate woman's arrest, but the paper will not be executed until the return of Judge McCarthy after the vacation, in order that her sanity may be promptly inquired into and steps taken for her proper treatment in an asylum.
• Last Saturday at midnight, William White, a CPR brakeman, while setting the brakes of a car at Shelburne station, fell from the top of the car and struck the platform, breaking his thigh bone. Drs. Norton and Rooney adjusted the fracture and the man was taken to the Toronto Hospital by the train upon which he had been working.
• At a meeting of the Shelburne Public School Board, held Tuesday evening last in the Council Chambers, a resolution was passed having for its object the exclusion of all pupils from other sections now attending Shelburne School — that is, those who can be legally excluded. This course has been found necessary owing to local requirements. The resolution passed by the Board, says: “That for lack of accommodation, we do not admit any pupils to our school living outside of the town, who can be legally excluded therefrom, and that the Principal be instructed accordingly.”
• Mr. John Jelly, of Shelburne, has nearly everything in readiness for making a tour of the province with the celebrated Highgate Mastodon remains. He has a band of eight musicians engaged and has fitted up a wagon very conveniently for their use. A second wagon will carry the bones and a large tent. We would say that the exhibition will be found deserving of the patronage of everybody. Mr. J. Parks, leader of the Shelburne Citizens' Band, is to be the musical conductor.

Thursday, August 26, 1915
• ays the Owen Sound Sun: A small staff is busy this week in cleaning up and overhauling the bones of a great prehistoric mastodon, which has been the property of Mr. H B. Harrison, of this town, for years. The mastodon is being put in shape for the Toronto Exhibition, where it will be sent next week, to be placed on exhibition. The most interesting fact about it is that the bones were found in this district — in the Township of Amaranth, near Shelburne. It is said that remains of only three of these massive beasts were ever found in Canada, and this is one of them. One of the others is on view in the New York Museum of Natural History and the other at the University of Dakota. All were found in or about the Township of Amaranth in Dufferin.
• Last Friday, a woman calling herself Miss Lottie Tillinton and representing herself as a public entertainer and elocutionist, called on Mrs. Sidney Banks, president of Shelburne Women's Institute, and endeavoured to persuade her to enter into a contract to give a concert under the auspices of the Women's Institute on October 20, 1916 — fourteen months distant. When Mrs. Banks refused on grounds it was impossible for her to enter into any contract beyond her term in office, the women proceeded to the home of the home of Mrs. Harold Lindsey, the Institute's vice-president and claimed that Mrs. Banks was in favour of the proposition. Mrs. Lindsey signed the contract but later discovered that she had made herself liable for $100 in damages in case of breach of contract. The contract contained no address or information concerning Miss Tillinton, and by telephone inquiries the two ladies found she had arrived on foot from Corbetton that day and had left by train for Laurel. Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Lindsey, accompanied by two witnesses to the contract signing, were taken by Mr. Lindsey in his auto to Laurel, where they found Miss Tillinton trying to work the Laurel W.I. When she refused to give back the contract, Mr. Lindsey swore out a warrant for her arrest and she was brought back to Shelburne by Constable Cooney, of Laurel. The case was called for 1 p.m. Saturday before Justices of the Peace Falconer of Shelburne and Johnston of Laurel. After some debate, Miss Tillinton settled the matter by returning the contract and paying nine dollars in costs.

Wednesday, August 22, 1940
• n order prohibiting the establishment of any further outlets for the sale of gasoline and other petroleum products has been announced from the office of G. R. Cottrelle, oil controller of Canada. No more service stations will be permitted except those on which construction was started before August 8.
• eorge Foster, secretary-treasurer of Dufferin Central Fair, says Ontario's rural fall fairs will have an important part to play this year and as long as the war lasts. Interviewed by the Toronto Telegram, Mr. Foster said: “Realizing the responsibility in the public service during these critical times, officers of rural agricultural societies have given war time production in the prize lists this year. They have made special efforts to promote commercial classes and to encourage the rank and file of farmers to put forth the best of their talents.”

Wednesday, August 25, 1965
• hen Centre Dufferin District High School, Shelburne, opens its doors on Tuesday, September 7, to begin the 1965-66 school year, there will be total of 21 teachers on staff and an expected enrolment of 405 students in the five-and four-year courses now being offered. Mr. Milton Shouldice, principal, will also teach history and guidance, while Mr. Richard Lewis, vice-principal, will teach mathematics and physics.

Thursday, August 25, 2005
• aced with all but universal hostilities to last month's rave, Mono Council appeared last night to be leaning toward enacting a bylaw which will enable it to control, if not ban, such events. The law governing such matters doesn't permit a town to ban them outright, but controlling them is a different matter. An event bylaw would allow the town to require that operators of such events agree to comply with stringent conditions, including noise level.
• Almost anyone who can remember the popularity of harness racing in what is now the Orangeville's Fairgrounds Shopping Centre, might also remember the kids who sold tip sheets there. One of those, was eight-year-old Chuck Keeling, grandson of Orangeville Raceway Ltd. co-founder Jim Keeling, who has since been inducted into Harness Racing's Hall of Fame, along with another founding partner Keith Maples. In the early 1980's, Chuck hustled tip sheets to busloads of racing fans from such places as Toronto and Buffalo as well as to hundreds of local racing fans who flocked to the track Thursday nights and Sunday afternoons.
• The great fire hall debate that was raging in Mono last year, when it appeared the town would go it alone rather than continue to take fire-fighting services from Orangeville, has taken another turn. It was announced at Orangeville Council recently that the combined Police Station, Fire Station and Hydro office, that was supposed to have been built in the town's west end, will be, in the end, just a Police Station. This left the question of the location of a new Fire Hall up in the air, and Mono Deputy Mayor Dave Baldwin made note of it at Mono Council Tuesday night.
Post date: 2015-08-27 20:46:22
Post date GMT: 2015-08-28 00:46:22

Post modified date: 2015-09-03 21:03:59
Post modified date GMT: 2015-09-04 01:03:59

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