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Shelburne Library News: One Book, One County

By Rose Dotten


By the time you read this column, we will have launched our new book and author for Dufferin Reads: One Book One County.

This year's selection is Mãn by Kim Thúy.

Kim also wrote Ru and that is a book that many book clubs in the area have enjoyed reading.

Many of our activities around the book will focus on Vietnamese culture and food.

The Kick-off event was held at Sweet Chili in Orangeville with the librarians from Grand Valley (Shann), Orangeville (Darla) and myself (Rose) from Shelburne, as well as Nancy and Brenda from BookLore.

There were other guests, board members and staff joining in the excitement of the “reveal.”

The campaign poster will soon be up and tickets for the Grand Finale (May 1) at Dufferin County Museum and Archives will be on sale for $10 at the libraries and BookLore.

The first themed event will be held Sunday afternoon, April 10, 2016 at 2 p.m. at Shelburne Public Library.

It will feature a wonderful travelogue with a presentation and photos of a recent trip to Vietnam. You will be fascinated and it makes for interesting comparisons to the book.


March Break Events: March 15, 16 & 17

Mark your calendars for this year's exciting March Break events @ YOUR Library!

All events are at 2:00 pm.


Dan the Music Man: Tuesday, March 15, 2:00 pm @ Grace Tipling Hall

Zoo to You: Wednesday, March 16, 2:00 pm @ Shelburne Public Library

Peter Pan- Duffle Bag Theatre: Thursday, March 17, 2:00 @ Grace Tipling Hall


Tickets are $3 each or all 3 for $8 – A real bargain for these quality March break events for our community.



Freegal has nine million songs available for SPL patrons; current, classical whatever you enjoy will now be available to download or stream on your computer, iPad, tablet, or smartphone. I played Itzak Perlman last Friday night at work and we listened to quite a few others: David Bowie, Willie Nelson, you name it and search Freegal for it.

You can stream an entire album, songs for three hours daily and download three per week. Just get the app and login with our library name and then your barcode and you are good to go.

Don't forget to explore the 55 full-text magazines you can read from our website through FLIPSTER. More and more of our patrons are discovering them. You no longer need to spend money on subscriptions, just read the current magazine online.


Children's Program.

Paws to Read, which takes place every Tuesday from 3.45 to 4.45 p.m. is very successful.

This is a program where children who may need help in their reading skills can read to Mac the Therapeutic Poodle. The sessions are 15 minutes in length, the child reads a book to Mac, and he listens extremely well.

There is one session left in February, and then Mac is taking a short holiday but will return on Tuesday, March 22.

You must sign up for this program as the spaces fill up quite quickly.

Remember story time is on Fridays at 10.30 a.m. It is a fun time with story, songs, music, crafts, and colouring sheets. There is a different theme each week.

The Super Readers Club has only three more sessions.

This program is for kindergarten to grade six. There is a” passport” to record books the child has read, activities to participate in and coloring pages and prizes. It is on Tuesdays from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m.

Be sure to check these programs out by dropping in to see us here at the Library or call 519-925-2168 for more information.


Teen Scene:

Last week our Teens worked diligently on creating puzzle pieces each of which represented a White Pine book from this year's nominees.

Once they are completed we will assemble the pieces into one large puzzle, and submit the final project to the awards committee with hopes of winning a prize package for the Library! We have some very strong artistic talent in the group, so keep your fingers crossed for us.

This week is our Pizza & Pages book club meeting where we will be discussing Lisa Harrington's Live to Tell. In addition to what is always a lively discussion, per request our Teens will be kind-bombing the YA section with kind words, pictures, poems etc. The next time you check out a YA novel, you might just find one of these wonderful little surprises!

We always welcome more members into our teen clubs, so if you are interested come out to YOUR Library on Thursday nights between 6 – 7 p.m. and meet a great group of great individuals and express your creativity in a variety of ways.




False positive by Andrew Grant

The Hunting Trip by William E Butterworth III

The Sleeping King by Cindy Dees & Bill Flippin

Sit! Stay! Speak! by Annie England Noblin

The Incarnations by Susan Barker

MemoRandom by Anders de la Motte

The Girls She Left Behind by Sarah Graves

Pillars of Light by Jane Johnson

Scandalous Behavior by Stuart Woods

Safe as Houses by Susan Glickman

Too Close to Home by Susan Lewis

The Guest room by Chris Bohjalian

The Bitter Season by Tami Hoag

Blackout by David Rosenfelt

A Dream of Ice by Gillian Anderson


Non fiction

Should the West Engage Putin's Russia? The Munk debates

'Membering by Austin Clarke

Slick Water by Andrew Nikiforuk

The Best Medicine is You by Dr. Frederic Saldmann

Inside Syria: the Backstory of their Civil War and What the World Can Expect by Reese Erlich

Make Ahead Meals by Michael Smith

Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall
Post date: 2016-02-27 00:41:41
Post date GMT: 2016-02-27 05:41:41
Post modified date: 2016-02-27 00:41:41
Post modified date GMT: 2016-02-27 05:41:41
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