This page was exported from Shelburne Free Press [ ] Export date:Wed Jul 3 5:20:46 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Christian Perspectives: Each one of us must make a choice --------------------------------------------------- “It's not a joke ... Jesus Christ said, each one of us “Must” make a choice between saving our (only) soul, or chosing this world and the things of it” (COL) COL in bracket above is actually the abbreviation for “Cry Out Loud”, just as LOL is the abbreviation for Laugh Out Loud Because this subject is so serious and certainly isn't a laughing matter, I cannot use the abbreviation Lol (Laugh Out Loud); instead I have to use the abbreviation Col (Cry Out Loud) Matthew 16:24-26 (KJV) Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.  For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Friends, brethren, love ones, everyone, this is the very word of Almighty God.  And His words are unapologetic, indisputable, non-debatable, and final. (Col) God'S Words are so final, that he speaks them once and never appear anywhere to anyone to try ti defend himself. Instead of ever having to defend why He said this, or why He said that, He made an even more serious statement by saying, any man who believes my words shall be saved (meaning have everlasting life, and any man who believes not my words shall be condemn to hell) Dear reader, I wish I could present these few words I'm  writing in the context of a joke, but I can't, because it's not a joke. I also wish it was okay for you the reader to take this writing as a joke, but you shouldn't because it's not a joke. In Matthew chapter sixteen verse twenty four (Matt. 16:24) Jesus Christ looking at the Disciples and seeing their desperate need for eternal life. Eternal life means Jesus Christ saw their death (their earthly physical end, and their eternal future, which applies to every living man, whether man knows or believes this yes or no)  Therefore, Jesus reaching out directly to HIS Disciples said unto them, “If you will come after Me? This is an option and an opportunity Christ presents to all human being, and He made it optional and a free choice, that's why He said, “if” Suggesting that He is the way, the truth and the eternal life, and “if” any man desires the way, the truth and eternal life, they should come after Him.  This is not a joke. This was not meant to be a joke. This should never be taken as a joke.  Jesus Christ knew that death was, and is no joke. He knew the disciples and every man would one day die a physical death, and would be transferred into a future eternal life, but He wanted to offer the better future etrtnal life, which is paradise in heaven with Himself, and not the alternative future eternal life, which is in hell with satan and the demons.  Therefore, Christ made an open public invitation to His disciples as to every man to come after (follow) Him, by doing three (3) things; (1) deny one's self .... meaning stop from living this present life from one's perspective and start living this present life from His perspective. This is accomplished by learning through His words and examples, how He wants us to live and live that way. (2) take up our individual cross ... meaning that just as He carried His own cross, likewise every man who comes after Him must also carry his/her own cross also. The cross is Christ's trade mark, and whosoever is a part of Him must bear that trade mark. (3) come and follow Him He said ... so He invites us to (1) deny ourselves, and (2) to take up our cross, and (3) to come and follow Him, which means to come and live the way He lived and commanded us to live so we will end up where He is. Then not making any joke, or not starting a debate He continued by saying, “if any man wil try to save his/ her life they shall lose their life...” meaning what? Meaning Jesus Christ  is the way, the truth, and the life, and He has offered Himself to any man who will accept Him, but if someone choses to reject Him, and try to save (find) his/her own eternal life on their iwn terns they shall lose it, meaning they shall end up lost in the bottomless pit and the lake of fire in hell forever and forever time without end. But please remember, this is not at all mandatory, this is by each individual choice. Everyone of us do have the same option choice and opportunity to avoid and escape this dreadful future in hell, by simple making a decision to folliw Jesus Christ. And in Matt. 16:25 Jesus Christ continued to present a brighter eternal future for the disciples and for you and I by saying, “ If any man will lose his/her life for My sake you shall end up finding eternal life in and through Him. Because we gave up living for ourselves and lived this life for Him, He shall share His eternal life with us.  Then again in verse twent-six (26) of Matthew chapter sixteen (16) He re-emphasized on the fact, that what He is saying ain't no joke. It ain't no Lol (laugh out loud), but rather a Col (Cry out loud) Jesus Christ went on to asking a question of all human beings, HE asked, “what is a man profited (gained or benefited), if the man/woman gained everything in this entire world, and lose his/her only soul? Think of it ladies and gentlemen, just imagine you've gained everything this world can afford such as, the finest jewels, the most expensive and luxurious automobiles, the most cutting edge technological advanced aircraft, the most fanciest and expensive house clothes and shoes money can buy, the highest degree and honors achievable, and of course the most money any human has ever accumulated, but one day you die, and “MUST” leave it all behind. That's what Christ meant in verse 26 of Matthew 16, Jesus is actually saying to every man,  if you give up on this world and the things of this world for my sake, then in the after life I will give you eternal life in paradise in heaven with GOD 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.   1 John 2:16-17 (KJV) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.  And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. I take this opportunity to encourage everyone today, who reads this message to take a long hard look into where will you spend your eternity and make a decision today to follow Jesus Christ, which is like taking out an insurance  (assurance) policy on life after death Rev  Dr. Vincent Sterling  Bishop and Senior Pastor of Shelburne Worship Center --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2019-05-23 14:39:22 Post date GMT: 2019-05-23 18:39:22 Post modified date: 2019-05-23 14:39:30 Post modified date GMT: 2019-05-23 18:39:30 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from