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Find JOY in Walking the Journey

When have you felt like you were you walking all alone along a difficult road in your life?  It seems to happen to all of us.  My husband, Rev. Bob McLellan, has been walking the path of significant, life threatening health challenges this past couple of years which recently had him at the Toronto General Hospital Emergency Department (ER) followed by extensive surgery requiring about six weeks of recovery and then further treatment. It could be easy to sink into despair.  A friend remarked that Nurse Stephanie in the ER was an angel as she came alongside us, uplifting, encouraging, caring for and being an advocate for Bob. I was reminded of part of the Scripture verse in I Cor 13:4 “Love is patient, love is kind.”  In my opinion, kindness is an outward manifestation and demonstration of the love that is within the heart of the person showing kindness.

God has come alongside my family in this very difficult time, appearing perhaps as angels, helping us with our needs. Some of the angelic acts of kindness included the care of nurses, doctors, and alternative health care practitioners.  Many thanked us for our patience and our kindnesses towards them and for our positive attitudes. We received many phone calls, cards, notes of encouragement, and contacts on Face Book.  Our front lawn was cut and garden beds were cleaned out and readied for spring.  A parking attendant at the hospital parking garage waived the $20 parking fee for me one day.  Two different pastors and our son Andrew visited Bob  - each having travelled a

long way to get there in their busy schedules.  A friend gave us enough money to pay for parking, gas and food for a few trips to the hospital (I had called out to God that very morning, wondering how we were going to pay for these expenses).  I got lost a lot in the massive hospital and can´t remember how many people got me pointed and even led me in the right direction.  I had a melt down one day and did not go the hospital to visit because I was exhausted and kept bursting into tears for no apparent reason and could not really think clearly. Later that day a friend called and told me I was experiencing emotional exhaustion and even told me “symptoms” I had not shared with her.  Her encouragement lifted me up as on wings of an angel, as had so many other angels that week and, indeed, year.  Countless prayers and many healing vibrations have been sent up and out on our behalf.  Clearly, we were and are not walking through this journey alone.  We have had a host of angels alongside us each step of the way.  No doubt angels are walking alongside you.  Watch for them.

I challenge you today to be a living example of God´s love and kindness with a smile to brighten someone´s day, an arm across someone´s shoulder, a hug, showing interest and patience, being there for them when they are in pain, confusion or grief, being a listening ear without being impatient or judgmental. Perhaps God may call you to do a specific act of service for someone, or He is calling you to walk like an angel alongside someone for a part of their journey.  May you be thought of as being one who daily demonstrates love and kindness in the same way Jesus is known to have shown us by example. Find JOY in walking the journey.

By  Rev. Maxine R McLellan, Shelburne, ON

Post date: 2019-05-30 14:06:12
Post date GMT: 2019-05-30 18:06:12
Post modified date: 2019-05-30 14:06:24
Post modified date GMT: 2019-05-30 18:06:24
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