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Dufferin County recognizes National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month this January with pair of events


Navigating a dementia diagnosis can be challenging.

To help, the Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County connects people living with dementia and their caregivers to support, knowledge, and a sense of community so they don't feel like they're facing the illness alone. 

The organization hopes to be local residents' first stop when they find out that they or a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia. 

The Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County provides access to dementia-friendly expertise and resources to help people feel understood and supported. They can also access education, caregiver support groups, Persons Living with Support Groups, and partnership education.

With January being National Alzheimer's Awareness Month, the local Alzheimer Society is working to enhance the community's understanding of the disease while fundraising for their programs. 

A flag raising was held in Orangeville at Town Hall on Wednesday (Jan. 10) to mark the launch of National Alzheimer Awareness Month, with local dignitaries in attendance.

Later this week, the community is invited to the Alzheimer Society's annual Skate & Scones event. It takes place on Sunday, Jan. 14, at the Alder Arena, starting at 1:30 p.m. The cost is $5 per person, with proceeds benefiting the local Alzheimer's Society directly. 

“Please mark your calendars and save the dates so together we can become a dementia friendly community,” said the Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County in a press release.

More than half a million Canadians live with dementia today, and that number is expected to reach 1.7 million by 2050. The Alzheimer Society continues to work to support people living with dementia so their needs are met early in and throughout their journey.  

The Alzheimer Society's First Link program offers services and information to people living with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia, and caregivers. First Link includes information about risk reduction, living well with dementia, the latest research and advocacy efforts, and referrals to programs to help you manage the challenges that dementia can present. 

“The goal of the Alzheimer Society's First Link® program is to ensure that people living with dementia and care partners have the right support and information, from the time of an initial diagnosis and throughout the progression of the disease,” said the Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County in a press release.

To get connected to support, contact the local Alzheimer Society today at 519-941-1221 or visit

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