This page was exported from Shelburne Free Press [ ] Export date:Wed Jul 3 5:55:04 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Dipping into the past... --------------------------------------------------- 150 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 24, 1863 • From The Sun, Orangeville: WELLINGTON COUNTY COUNCIL – The committee appointed to wait on the County Council of Wellington at its special meeting on Thursday last, respecting the Incor­poration of Orangeville, succeeded in the mission.  As no notice had been given that the subject would be brought before the Council at its special session, the Warden and others deemed it inexpedient, if not illegal, to take action on it. A requisition numerously signed by the Reeves of the different Townships, was presented to the Warden asking him to call a special meeting on Friday to consider the subject. The special meeting was accordingly held and Mr. Drysdale having presented the position of the ratepayers of Orangeville praying for incorporation, it was read, and notice given, that a bylaw to incorporate Orangeville would be introduced at the next meeting in December.  No opposition need be anticipated from Wellington, all the members having promised to support the bylaw; and if the Council of Simcoe act a similar part – and, we have every reason to believe it will – Orangeville will be a corporation itself, ere the close of the present year. THE  WAR  NEWS – The news from Charleston is more favorable to the Confederates than late events led us to expect.  Beauregard has been heavily reinforced from the army of Virginia, and is strengthening the defenses of Charleston harbor. It is noted that he intends assuming the offensive, by attempting the recapture of Morris Island from the Federals.  Fort Sumter is not yet taken and the defenders are very busy repairing damages.  The works that General Gilmore is constructing at Cumming's Point on Morris Island for shelling Charleston, proceed very slowly. A desperate battle has been fought in the southwest near Chattanooga between the army of the Cumberland under Gen. Rosecrans and the Confederate army under Gen. Bragg.  Thirty thousand men are said to have fallen. The Federals acknowledge to have been driven from their ground and to have lost a battery of artillery; but claim to have recovered the lost ground and recaptured the artillery.  Further advices lead us to suppose that the Confederates have gained a decisive advantage over Rosecrans' army. The Mississippi is much harassed by guerillas and one gunboat and 35 men have been captured and another badly shattered. Messrs. Stewart and Thompson, one of the largest dry goods dealers in Guelph, offer cotton warp at $2.60 per bundle, in our issue of today. At a time when this article is so hard to be got at any price, this must be considered surprisingly cheap.  Their stock of dry goods, which we had the pleasure of inspecting Thanksgiving last, is large, well selected and decidedly cheap. It would be to the advantage of our readers when next in Guelph to give Messrs S & T a call. MONO  AGRICULTURAL  EXHIBITION – The first annual exhibition of the Mono Agricultural Society will be held in Orangeville on Friday, October 16, 1863, when prizes will be awarded for Stock, Produce, Manufactures etc.  An entrance fee of $1.50 will be charged all exhibitors who are not members of the Society, except articles entered previous to the day of exhibition, when only $1 will be charged. To lady exhibitors, no charge will be made. A rule of the Society requires that all entries must be made before eleven o'clock on the day of exhibition. In our issue of this week, Mr. James Spence offers for sale or to rent two excellent business stands both for a store and a tavern in the village of Laurel, Amaranth. Laurel is a new village just springing into existence and located as it is in the centre of a flourishing agricultural country, its progress must be rapid. Already it has its post office, blacksmith shop, etc., and when two large brick churches now in the course of erection are completed, it will also have its places of worship.  The store and tavern stands in the rising little village are for sale or rent, on liberal terms, and we need hardly say that it affords a rare opportunity to business men and capitalists of investing a small sum to good advantage.   125 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 27, 1888 • he people of Rosemont were almost scared to death Sunday evening. They heard several rifle reports and wondered what was up. They soon learned that “Greaser” Little and about 20 others had treed a bear — at least they thought so. Little was the leader of the party and did the most execution with an old Queen Ann Musket. They kept up a continual fusillade all night and when daylight came they found there was no bear in the tree and never had been. To say that the would-be bear killers felt sick over their night's exploit is to put the matter mildly. It is not safe to mention “bears” within a mile of Rosemont. • he people of Coleridge had a big time on Saturday. A game of lacrosse was played there between the Back Liners of Melancthon and the Coleridge Club. The game resulted in a victory for the Back Liners 2 goals to 0. The match was a very good one and lasted 2 1/2 hours. • n advertisement signed by A. P. Bradley, secretary of the Department of Railways and Canals, dated August 8, 1888, was a notice to contractors disclosing that sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned would be received until the arrival of the eastern and western mails on Tuesday, October 2 for the formation and construction of a canal on the Canadian side of the St. Mary River, through the Island of St. Mary. The notice said the works would be let in two sections, one of which will embrace the formation of the canal through the island, the construction of locks, etc., and the other the deepening and widening of the channel way at both ends of the canal. • oneywood: There is going to be a Harvest Home in Cranmer's Church, Honeywood, on Monday, October 1. The church choir here are sparing no pains to get up their part of the musical entertainment. The Shelburne Glee Club is expected to be in attendance also. On Sunday, Rev. A. C. Watt, of Mono Mills, will occupy the pulpit. There was a goodly number of people from here going to the Great Northern Exhibition in Collingwood. One party, in speaking about it, said that “any person attending the Collingwood Exhibition saw all that could be seen in Toronto.” We will leave the public as to the correctness of the statement. • n a story published on the front page of the Shelburne Free Press, James W. Robertson, professor of dairying, said reports had been received from cheese-makers in all parts of the province commenting on a marked improvement observable in the quality and condition of the milk received at their factories. He says the influence and work of the milk inspectors appointed by the Dairymen's Association of Ontario have contributed in no small measure to that end. At the same time, complaints of a grave nature are being made by cheese buyers, stating that the quality of many of the June and July cheeses of Ontario have been quite defective. “That the latter state of things should have been evolved out of the former is to be wondered at and regretted. For some years the lament has been monotonous at dairy men's conventions that an inferior quality and unsound condition of milk were solely and wholly causative of the common faults of a portion of the summer-made cheese. Painstaking and far-reaching efforts were put forth to correct the evils. Addresses on dairying became repetitions with slight variations, of advice to farmers on the production and care of milk.” • helburne Council met, pursuant to adjournment, last Friday evening. The water works question was again brought up. A lengthy letter was read from the Ontario Pump Company, stating the objections they took to certain clauses in the agreement sent for their consideration. After considerable discussion, Council passed a resolution instructing the Clerk to write a reply to the company's letter of the 14th inst., that the second clause of the draft agreement referred to in their letter remain as drafted, except that the words “hard clear gravel or rock bottom” be changed to read “hard clear gravel rock bottom for any lower bottom well,” and that the clause in which the objectionable word “continuously” occurs does not bear the construction they put upon it. The letter should also state that Council has no objection to other amendments made by the company. It should also request that a representative of the company meet with Council in Shelburne as soon as possible to close the agreement and say that if there is a failure to agree Council would pay the representatives reasonable expenses.   100 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 25, 1913 • he 46th Annual Exhibition of the Dufferin Central Agricultural Society, held in Shelburne Tuesday and Wednesday, was a big success. While the weather on Tuesday was cool and clouds threatened rain, Wednesday brought the sunshine. The crowd on Wednesday began to arrive earlier than usual and beat all previous records, with receipts at the grounds amounting to about $765. Concerts given both nights under Fair auspices, were held in the Rink on William Street instead of the Town Hall and were given by the 48th Highlanders Band. • he Dufferin Fall Exhibition, held in Orangeville, on Thursday and Friday of last week, was the most successful in the history of the Society as to both attendance and exhibits. The weather was all that could be desired, and as a result the gate receipts amounted to $600. • he government in Ottawa is having trouble choosing from scores of applicants for judicial appointments. After weeks of consideration Justice Minister C. J. Doherty left the capital at the close of a cabinet meeting Friday with only three appointments made out of the dozen or so vacancies and new positions to be filled. However, for the County of Dufferin, G. W. Fisher, of Alliston, was appointed to the County Court judgeship. It was the only Ontario appointment thus far made. • rangeville Council has notified the two electric light companies to place and keep their street wires at least three feet apart and the poles of one at least four inches from the wires of the other. And this must be done no later than October 1st. • ohn M. Bennett has been appointed Clerk of the Orangeville Division Court, a position made vacant by the resignation of Joseph Pattullo. • he managers of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Shelburne, gave their order on Thursday last for a new pipe organ to be placed in the new church.   50 YEARS AGO Wednesday, September 25, 1963 • right but cool weather blessed the 96th Annual Exhibition of Dufferin Central Fair, Shelburne, for its big day on Monday. Although attendance did not appear up to par, the number of exhibits outdoors and indoors proved the event successful in that respect. • helburne Clerk-Treasurer Wilfred Newell will retire from the position later this month and plans to take an active interest in the wholesale potato business. --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2013-09-25 23:32:45 Post date GMT: 2013-09-26 03:32:45 Post modified date: 2013-10-05 19:22:15 Post modified date GMT: 2013-10-05 23:22:15 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from