This page was exported from Shelburne Free Press [ ] Export date:Wed Jul 3 3:42:32 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Dipping into the past... --------------------------------------------------- 150 YEARS AGO • rom The Sun, Orangeville: Thursday, December 24, 1863 In consequence of the absence of our editor there is a paucity of editorial matter in our issue of this week.  We shall endeavor to make up for this deficiency at a future time. The By-Law incorporating the village of Orangeville and annexing it to the County of Wellington received the assent of the Council of the County of Wellington on Tuesday last.  The election of Councillors for the village will therefore take place on Monday the 4th prox. MONO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY – We are requested to state that a meeting of the members of the above Society will be held at Mr. Kelly's Hotel in this place at 2 o'clock on Thursday January 7 for the purpose of electing officers for the current year, and transacting other business of importance.  A full attendance is solicited. DEATH OF  LORD  ELGIN – The rumored demise of Lord Elgin, which appeared in our last issue, has since been confirmed.  Sir John Lawrence has been appointed his successor as Governor-General of India.  Lord Elgin died of dropsy in the heart, in the fifty-second year of his age.  He is the third on the list of remarkable men who, after having governed India with transcendent brilliancy, and success, have been removed without having an interval granted them to repose in the greatness they had achieved.  Lords Dalhousie, Canning and Elgin were about the same age; they were all at college together, and entered public life about the same time. SERIOUS ACCIDENT – On Friday last, a young man by the name of Wm. Regan, while attending a thrashing machine at Mr. Canning's, in the township of Mono, got his arm fearfully lacerated by being caught in the cylinder of the machine, and his thigh broken by becoming entangled with the shaft. It is almost a miracle that he was not killed on the spot, as we are informed that he was violently thrown four times around the tumbling shaft.  Dr. Hewat of Orangeville who was immediately sent for, amputated his arm, and under his care, we are glad to hear that the young man is doing well.  This should be a warning to those engaged about machinery to be more careful for the future. THE WAR NEWS – The war news is very meager.  The latest news from Virginia does not indicate any change of importance in the state of affairs there.  Mosby's guerillas have recently made a raid in the vicinity of Fairfax Court House, doing much damage.  The report that Gen. Meade will shortly be superseded in the command of the army of the Potomac is contradicted.  He will be continued in his command through the winter. An affray took place in Durham on Friday night in which Mr. S.L.M. Luke, editor and proprietor of the Durham Standard, shot a Mr. S. Barnes of the same place.  Luke has since been committed to take his trial for murder. THE CANADA FARMER – We have received from the publisher the prospectus of a new agricultural paper to be published under the above title on the 1st and 15th of each month.  The services of an efficient editor and staff of writers and reporters have been secured.  The paper will also be illustrated with first-class engravings, and we cannot doubt will be found worthy of the support of all who feel an interest in the advancement of the agricultural interests of Canada. It will be published by Mr. Geo. Brown of Toronto at the low price of one dollar per annum, in advance.   Thursday, December 31, 1863 THE NEW YEAR – The merry Christmas holidays are now passing away, and another year, with all its new hopes and high aspirations, is at hand.  The country has seldom been in a position to bid the old year adieu, or enter upon the new with more favorable auguries of material and social prosperity than at present.  A bountiful harvest, safely gathered, fills the land with plenty; and while neighboring nations are suffering from civil wars or foreign oppression, Canada enjoys the blessings of profound peace and tranquility.  We have much cause for congratulation, but in the fullness of our prosperity may be the measure of our gratitude and thankfulness for the blessings we enjoy, never grow less, and may each succeeding new year be a happy one to our friends, and patrons, and to all. THE  MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS  – The first election of councillors for this village will take place on Monday, the candidates being Messrs. F.C. Stewart, W.E. Thompson, T. Jull, F. Irwin, J. .May, W. Armstrong, W.S. Hewat, and S.H. McKitrick.  Of these, Messrs. Stewart, Jull, Armstrong and May have at different times served as councillors in Mono and Garafraxa, and have their past services to recommend them to public favor.  The other candidates are, however, well qualified for the office, and if they have not public services to recommend them, they have undisputed merit and success in their respective businesses.  Between the candidates, there is very little to choose, and any five of them will make as good a Council as any municipality need desire. The candidates for Mono are Messrs. Geo. McManus, John Avison, Thos. Elder, Samuel Hall, Geo. Little and Wm. Campbell.  The first four served in the Council this year, and appear to have given general satisfaction.  We have no doubt they will be re-elected.  There will, however, be a close contest between Messrs. Little and Campbell, but the former, we believe, will be returned. SCHOOL  EXAMINATION – The quarterly examination of the pupils attending Bythia Street school took place in the school room on Thursday last, in the presence of a large number of the parents and guardians of the children. The examination, which was principally conducted by the teacher, Mr. Geo. Brunt, was very satisfactory.  The several classes acquitted themselves in a manner creditable alike to their own industry and the efforts of their worthy instructor.  In reading, arithmetic, grammar, geography and history, the pupils evinced a marked improvement since the last examination, and answered the questions asked them with surprising readiness. After several classes had been heard, the judges awarded prizes to those meriting them, and the examination closed with their distribution among the scholars. PROPOSED GRAVEL ROAD AND TRAMWAY – It appears to us that a more important subject cannot be brought before the public in this section than the construction of a gravel road and tramway from the village to some point on the Grand Trunk Railway.  Many suggestions might unquestionably be made to forward and achieve an object so desirable, but that which seems to us the most reasonable and sensible, is the organization of a joint stock company with a subscribed capital of about $60,000.  This sum, according to the calculations of a gentleman experienced in such matters, would be sufficient to complete the excavating, grading and gravelling of the road, and laying of a substantial tramway side by side with it…. The traffic on the tramway would be immense and increasing every year, and the great loads which a span of horses would be able to draw on it would, it is apprehended, render it a cheap medium for the transportation of produce, merchandise and other commodities…. We throw out these hints merely with the view of arresting the attention of our public men, and eliciting the opinions of others on the project.  We will refer to the subject again.   125 YEARS AGO Thursday, January 3, 1889 • n Christmas Eve as Mr. Christopher Irwin, of Mulmur, accompanied by his daughter Sarah, son Jackson and Miss Lydia Dean, was driving home from Shelburne, a young man, one Henry Freemantle, attempted to run past when one concession west of Primrose. A collision resulted. Mr. Irwin's wagon was upset and all the occupants thrown out. Mr. Irwin and his daughter received several wounds each on the scalp and face, both being so badly cut over the eyes that the wounds had to be stitched. Freemantle was driving a covered buggy, which was completely wrecked. Dr. Norton, who was telephoned for, attended the sufferers. • he Orangeville Post has been issuing a daily paper for the past two weeks and is receiving much better support than was anticipated. It will be discontinued after the municipal elections. • rangeville Mayor John Gilchrist and Reeve Joseph Foster have been re-elected by acclamation.   100 YEARS AGO Thursday, January 1, 1914 • ne man was killed, telegraph poles wrecked, 12 cars hurled from the rails, many cattle killed and injured, and main-line traffic on this branch of the CPR delayed for 10 hours, owing to a serious freight wreck a little north of Bolton station last Tuesday morning, owing to a wheel coming off one of the cars when the train was travelling about 30 miles an hour. Every car tumbled over a 60-foot embankment but fortunately the engine stayed on the rails and the train crew escaped injury beyond a few bruises. Only when the wreckage was cleared away was the body of a man found pinned under one of the overturned cars. It is thought he was a tramp who had been riding the bumpers.   75 YEARS AGO Thursday, December 29, 1938 • his part of North America was visited with a fierce blizzard which started at dusk Monday and continued until Wednesday morning. In Dufferin, roads were blocked, cars stalled and even foot traffic badly impeded. At one time Shelburne was completely isolated from road communication with other centres and Highway 10 was passable only as far north as Orangeville. At Owen Sound the city was without power for some time. Only a continuous succession of snow ploughs on the CPR's Toronto-Owen Sound line kept the rail traffic moving.   50 YEARS AGO Wednesday, January 1, 1964 • he Ontario Government has established a policy whereby the province may guarantee bank loans up to a maximum of $2500 for a period of three years to farmers for the purpose of paying for the cost of transporting water. The decision follows the severe drought experienced in some sections of the province.   10 YEARS AGO Friday, January 2, 2004 • tudents from Orangeville's Rolling Hills subdivision won't have to walk across five highway lanes to get to Island Lake Public School when it opens next year, says Heather Imm, accommodation planner for the Upper Grand District School Board. --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2013-12-31 12:49:49 Post date GMT: 2013-12-31 17:49:49 Post modified date: 2014-01-08 13:34:05 Post modified date GMT: 2014-01-08 18:34:05 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from