
Robots and jobs

November 8, 2018   ·   0 Comments

WRITTEN BY BRIAN LOCKHART “Train to become a television repairman!” Anyone of a certain age remembers seeing that ad on the back of a comic ...

ISIS repatriation

SHORT EDITORIAL Early last week, the House of Commons passed an opposition motion giving the Trudeau Liberals six weeks to come up with a strategy ...

Trump, social media a lethal cocktail

EDITORIAL ACCORDING TO Sarah Huckabee Sanders, U.S. President Donald Trump’s current press secretary, it was “outrageous” that some in the media were blaming her boss ...

A look at life hacks

By Brian Lockhart There are a few life hacks that should be taught by your parents, or maybe even in a school, that seem like ...

What not a price for not voting?

SHORT EDITORIAL ACROSS THE PROVINCE, there likely wasn’t a single municiplity where  majority of the eligible voters bothered to exercise their franchise. Even in the ...

Now what?

EDITORIAL The municipal election is now over. Hopefully, you voted, because our municipal councils determine a great deal in our daily lives, second only to ...

Meet the real Mike

BY MIKE BAKER So, I guess I have some explaining to do. For those of you who didn’t notice, there was a new name in ...


It is difficult feeling helpless, but there is little we can do as citizens of this country—right now, in this moment—that can change confessed child-killer ...

Transportation challenges abound

EDITORIAL THE NEW COUNCILS formed as a result of next Monday’s elections will have plenty of challenges during their four-year terms, but none will beat ...

Motorcycle helmets

by BRIAN LOCKHART Hollywood actor Gary Busey is known for two things. He famously portrayed Buddy Holly in the film The Buddy Holly Story, and ...

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