
Inclusiveness running wild

June 21, 2018   ·   0 Comments

by BRIAN LOCKHART I attended a rather large outdoor concert this past weekend featuring some top Bluegrass performers. It was a fun weekend if you ...

Can all Ford’s promises be kept?

IT WAS PERHAPS APPROPRIATE that Premier-elect Doug Ford chose as his first task determining just what shape the Ontario government’s books are in. And while ...

Trump’s trade delusion

By GWYNNE DYER Halfway across the Pacific Ocean, Donald Trump heard the closing statements from the G7 summit in Quebec (which he had left early ...

It happened today

In this week’s offering, we take a look back through history and note some of the interesting happenings from June 7 over the years. 1899 ...

More talks on NAFTA now pointless

IF THERE WAS ANYTHING more ludicrous than the Trump administration’s claim that hefty tariffs against steel and aluminum products from its allies were needed for ...

Art of the Deal fails in international trade

By Brian Lockhart While these days it seems the name of the great Venetian explorer and trader Marco Polo has been reduced to a game ...

Time for a minority government?

UNLIKE THE UNITED STATES, Canada has a multiplicity of political parties, as evidenced locally by the fact there will be no fewer than seven names ...

How do they get here?

By Brian Lockhart The cost of the stream of so-called refugees walking across our borders, suitcases in hand, and hands out, is is not only ...

Note to Shelburne Council

After hearing of the secret plans to sell off Fiddle Park we have been totally shocked. Shelburne has been our home for 46 years and ...

Shame on the Shelburne Farmer’s Market board!

Shame on the board of the Shelburne Farmer’s Market. In March I was approved for a stall at the local Market and set happily about ...

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