
Shelburne Library News

November 1, 2018   ·   0 Comments

Written By ROSE DOTTEN Teen Scene: Book Club This week Teens came to YOUR Library to for a spooky celebration of Halloween; we carved scary ...

Both new and familiar faces at Dufferin County council

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER With everyone now recovering from  municipal elections that also can mean changes to Dufferin County council, there will be both new ...

Treats in the Streets more than sweets

Written By MARNI WALSH The second annual Treats in the Streets event brought much more to the community than just candy for kids. The event, ...

Pinocchio coming to Grace Tipling Hall

Written By MARNI WALSH Once again LP Stage Productions is getting set to deliver a heart-warming production at Grace Tipling Hall just in time for ...

Shelburne signs off on new cannabis bylaw prohibiting use of drug in public places

Written By PETER RICHARDSON With only one more meeting before the new Council is sworn in, the current one dealt with some pressing issues currently ...

Christian Perspectives: Difficult math

As this is my final column, after contributing for many years, I decided to write about a subject that I think about often. Math. Not ...

Shelburne Library News

Written By ROSE DOTTEN Teen Scene: Book Club If you’re looking to join Pizza & Pages Book Club, this month is a good month to ...

WDG Public Health tests show flu has arrived

Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health is reporting the first lab-confirmed case of flu in the area. Influenza, or the flu, is a potentially serious illness particularly for ...

Those using marijuana are advised to consult with health care professionals prior to use

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER Canada’s legalization of cannabis has certainly been a hotly talked about discussion, and a controversial decision. Led by Prime Minister Justin ...

KTH Park project is a go

Written By PETER RICHARDSON As a part of their 20th Anniversary celebrations, KTH has taken on a project to enhance their presence in KTH Park ...

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