
Wegener: I will listen to your concerns, wants, needs and vision

October 18, 2018   ·   0 Comments

CANDIDATE: LINDSAY WEGENER RUNNING FOR: COUNCILLOR Hello, My name is Lindsay Wegener and I am seeking a seat as your municipal councillor. I have been ...

Hodder: I promise to be effective, honest, transparent

CANDIDATE: JAMES HODDER RUNNING FOR: COUNCILLOR I am very pleased that my wife, Joan, and I have delivered my campaign flyer to every house and ...

Guchardi: Local service clubs integral to the fabric of Shelburne

CANDIDATE: LEN GUCHARDI RUNNING FOR: COUNCILLOR As a third- generation resident of Shelburne, I have witnessed the evolution of our town from being a small ...

Fegan: We need to focus on our youth over this next term of council

CANDIDATE: KYLE FEGAN RUNNING FOR: COUNCILLOR As most of you know by now my name is Kyle Fegan. I’ve been a resident of this town ...

Casamento: Four year vision focuses on growth, job creation, transit

CANDIDATE: ALTHEA CASAMENTO RUNNING FOR: COUNCILLOR My name is Althea Casamento and I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the position of Town Councillor. ...

Buffet: Developers need to pay their fair share of infrastructure costs

CANDIDATE: LYNDA BUFFET RUNNING FOR: COUNCILLOR My Bio: Lynda Buffett •  Resident of Shelburne for 20 years •  Actively volunteer and serve as a long ...

Benotto: We need to promote more of our arts and culture

CANDIDATE: WALTER BENOTTO RUNNING FOR: COUNCILLOR My name is Walter Benotto.  I have lived in Shelburne for the last 35, my wife Anna and I ...

Archer: Focusing on infrastructure and downtown congestion

CANDIDATE: MIKAL ARCHER RUNNING FOR: COUNCILLOR My Name is Mikal Archer and for the past 20 years, I have been a huge advocate for global ...

Sample: I will exhaust all avenues to keep Shelburne Police

CANDIDATE: DAN SAMPLE RUNNING FOR: DEPUTY MAYOR I am presently an elected member of your Town Council. I have lived in Dufferin County most of ...

Anderson: We can make Shelburne stronger together

CANDIDATE: STEVE ANDERSON RUNNING FOR: DEPUTY MAYOR I am a proud resident of Shelburne and the father of two beautiful children. Professionally, I am senior ...

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