
DWPI transmission poles on right–of–way

November 19, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Two transmission poles erected by Dufferin Wind Power Inc. (DWPI) on the 4th Line OS of Melancthon are on the right of way, just a step from the road proper where snow ploughs and local traffic will soon be navigating slippery winter conditions. CAO Denise Holmes of Melancthon Township told the Free Press that, “Concerns were raised during the Leave to Construct process by Council, our Acting Road Superintendent and our Engineer, but our concerns, as well as many others were all dismissed during that process. Council had requested right up front and before this project was even started, that they wanted the lines to be buried. Had DWP adhered to our request, we would not have this issue. When the province rejected the Township’s request for buried lines the Township was not given opportunity to review or approve the final pole locations.”
Progressive Conservative Interim Leader Jim Wilson made specific reference to the “two massive metal poles on the right of way” when he visited the Township specifically to tour the turbines last month. The Leader took time out after the tour to discuss issues with Mayor Bill Hill and Dufferin Caledon MPP Sylvia Jones as well as to speak to local press. He questioned, “Why is this being allowed? Why are they (turbine companies) breaking the laws of Ontario just because of the Green Energy Act (GEA?)” MPP Jones supported his inquiry, saying, “This is a perfect example of why the Municipality needs to be part of the discussion….Why does the GEA supersede the Ministry of Environment and public safety?”
According to the County Director of Public Works, Scott Burns, the County inspector documents general construction by DWPI to assist the approval agency, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Control (MOECC), with their ongoing and final review. “Project details, designs and plans were approved through the Ontario Energy Board (OEB),” said Burns. “Our consultant was brought on board through the Easement Agreement with DWPI pertaining to lands within the County owned former rail corridor and has been involved with inspection work within these lands.” The 4th Line right-of-way at issue is outside of the DWPI easement lands within the County owned former rail corridor. Burns relayed that, “Decisions such as pole placement have been dictated through the OEB approved plans and ultimately we are not able to alter the design.”
Controversy continues over DWPI transmission pole installation practices along the County owned rail corridor as the REA preliminary hearing granted to Green Party Candidate Karren Wallace is set to take place at the Shelburne Arena at 10 a.m. on December 2nd. After investigating, Wallace became concerned that DWPI bore holes for transmission poles followed a process that posed possible harm to drinking water for Dufferin residents.
Scott Burns says that, “When pole installation methods were revised, we coordinated with the MOECC to assist them with documentation of the work as they are the approval agency for that component of the project. DWPI’s environmental consultant and the MOECC are the guiding agencies for these environmental aspects of the project and all supplemental pole installation work is to be approved by the MOECC.”

By Marni Walsh



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