
Name change unnecessary

March 5, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:
Here we go again! Mulmur Council is requesting public input for a Township name change yet there is nothing posted on the community sign board in Mansfield. A name change? How many thousands of dollars will that cost the ratepayers? Incorporation papers, signs, letterheads, business cards, the cost is too high for no good reason. What does council think that it might permit them to approve their own plans of subdivision? How many subdivisions are we planning in Mulmur? No, we do not need a name change, we need an administration change and to get our CAO off the sunshine list. This municipality does not warrant paying out wages over 102,000 dollars annually. Does Mulmur Council have nothing better to discuss? We do not have sufficient money in our reserves yet they want to spend more on frivolous facades. The acclaimed deputy mayor promised during her first term of council that she would balance the books at the Honeywood arena (NDRCC) and now they are “running $60,000 in the red” each year, according to the acclaimed mayor of Mulmur Paul Mills. When will Mulmur Council stop wasting taxpayers’ dollars?
Jim Pendleton
Old Silver Pen
Mulmur Township



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