
Tell us about your upcoming event!

April 1, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Would you like the Shelburne Free Press to attend your event? Take pictures? Post your pictures to our social media sites, website and even to our pages? Well call us! We’re happy to send one of our reporters out to cover the events that matter to you Shelburne. Don’t assume we know that your big day is coming up – make sure we know! For free editorial coverage of your parties, plans and activities, call our office at 519 925-2832. After hours please call the editor, Wendy Gabrek at 416 459-2276 and e-mail us anytime at
Has your event already happened? No problem. Send us your selfies and event photos and tell us whose in them. We can still print images after the event has concluded.
The Shelburne Free Press IS your community newspaper. Make sure you’re getting the coverage you deserve! We look forward to seeing you in our pages very soon 🙂

By Wendy Gabrek



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