
It’s spring: time to declutter

April 8, 2015   ·   0 Comments

With Spring around the corner it is time to declutter. Here is a list of no brainer items you should make sure leave your home as soon as possible. Now, remember there are almost always exceptions to every rule, however if you can’t make a compelling case for keeping an item then its time to get rid of it.
Broken or Damaged Items. If an item is broken, missing a part, stained or otherwise damaged you should seriously consider getting rid of it. This is especially true if the item has sat around in that condition for more than six months. If you haven’t had the need to use it or replace it by now, chances are you don’t really need it.
Items Not Used In A Year. If you have an item you know you haven’t used for a year, and its function is to be used, get rid of it. These items are not helping you in any way, but are taking up valuable space.
Duplicates. Often when declutteirng you will find duplicates of items. Usually something you needed when you couldn’t find one of them in the clutter and had to get another one. It usually isn’t necessary to keep both, so keep the better one and get rid of the other.
Old Newspapers/Magazines. That pile you’ve been holding onto for keepsake or for when you get around to reading it would be much more useful as an added source to the flames in a fireplace. Want to read an old article? Look it up online, chances are it’s probably there.
Old Mugs. Gifts, past jobs, and sales have left you with an over abundance of mix matched coffee and tea mugs. These take up every shelf, draw and crevice of your kitchen. Keep the ones which you use the most and toss the rest.
Tupperware/Plastic Containers. This stuff builds up in everyone’s kitchen like it’s nobody’s business. Your best bet is to invest in a completely new set every couple of years. Its worth it to save the aggravation of looking for a matching set.
Decorative Items. If you have a decorative item that you not longer love, or got as a gift and never loved, let go of your gilt and donate it so someone who loves it and can enjoy it.
Fridge Pin Ups. Last week’s grocery list, a recipe you tired last month, an article you found interesting, old artwork or old pictures can all be taken down. Its time to clean up that fridge decor.
Clothing That Doesn’t Fit. If you have clothes that don’t fit, or clothes that you don’t feel comfortable in then its time to get rid of them. If you don’t wear it because it’s not comfortable, then its just taking up space. So are clothing that don’t fit. It’s hard to find enough room in a home for one wardrobe let alone wardrobes for three different sizes all the time.
Expired Food. Need we say any more. Get rid of it.
Now some items are truly garbage and need to be tossed, however other items can either be donated to a local charity, like Paws and Claws in Shelburne, or you can have a garage sale and try to sell them and make a little money in the process. No matter what you decide to do when you declutter your home it will take a lot less time to keep it clean because you’re not busy spending your time taking care of stuff you don’t actually want! Look around your house and get started. Good Luck!

By Michelle Austen



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