
In agreement

November 13, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:
Howdy folks. In response to a letter to the editor from Patricia Clark that Mulmur council should “know the facts before making their decisions” I couldn’t agree more.
Mulmur typically does not know the facts surrounding the matters to which they make decisions and that costs the ratepayers dearly.
Council looks to the staff to direct them, when the staff say jump, council says how high? When staff says we want a raise, council says how much? Does council not have an oversight role? In the last term of council two out of three council members raised the same concerns as Patricia and they not only lost the vote for increased and overinflated administrative costs but were targeted as rogue and troublemakers.
Council used taxpayer’s dollars to pursue defamatory, reputation and character damaging tactics.
In fact the actions taken by Mulmur Council in that regard resulted in legal action being taken against Mills, Hayes and Hawkins. The lawsuit has yet to be resolved by the three members.
I am to understand that the trial will be set for the New Year; this should be a good one. Until next time,
Old Silver Pen
Jim Pendleton
Mulmur Township



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