
Christian Perspectives – walk with Jesus

December 14, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Do you exercise? Are you a jogger? A regular at the local gym? Perhaps you golf? Maybe you have a treadmill at home. We are told to regularly exercise since so many of us lead sedentary lives. One of latest Apple products (it looks like a watch) will remind you to get up and move around and stretch. Our health care professionals too, remind us regularly for the need to be physically active, it is good for us.
The bible too, talks about exercising. In Hebrews 12 vs. 1b we read about running the race with perseverance. Not a leisurely jog in the park but a race! The thought alone – running – it makes me tired just thinking about it. If I would run in a race my feet would be sore and my knees would ache and I doubt if I would even finish. I know I am out of shape and definitely not in able to run in a competitive race. The best I do right now is to go for a brisk walk once a week down the rail trail. I probably should do it more often than that and get myself in shape.
Fortunately in Colossians 2 vs. 6 it talks about “walking” like Jesus (some translations use “live in” Jesus)
I am kind of glad for this text since it doesn’t say “run” like Jesus. When you read your bible, Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry and didn’t run (or jog) anywhere; He walked, taking his time. But what does that mean for us to “walk like Jesus”?
To walk implies action: What did Jesus do when he walked on this earth? He talked to people, he visited with all kinds of people: poor or rich people, sinners and saints, he shared meals with them he healed them prayed for and over them. Jesus showed he genuinely cared for people, especially those who were down and out and people who were hard to love. If we would walk like Jesus we ought to do the same. It was St. Francis of Assisi who long ago said: “preach the gospel and if necessary use words”. We are reminded that you and I just might be the only “Jesus” people will see.
To walk signifies progress: I work with teens and this can be and often is “interesting” and challenging. Ever notice that teenagers like to think they know everything? I don’t about you, but the older I get the more I realize what little I do know. To walk like Jesus means to constantly learn what it is like to be more and more like Him. Are you still learning? Are you still being challenged? Is there still room for “improvement” in your life?
I encourage you to continue to becoming more and more like Jesus.
To walk implies continuance: When we go for a walk, remember we’re not running. There is a beginning and an end, you set out and you complete your walk when you reach your destination or you are back home again. When we walk is Jesus invited to walk along with us the whole way? So many folks invite Jesus to walk with them only here and there: when they encounter a “rough or difficult” section or they “walk” with Jesus for an hour or so on Sunday morning. Jesus longs to “walk with us and talk with us all along life’s narrow way”. Why not invite Jesus along every step of the way. Make Him part of each and every moment of your day.
To walk implies habit: Do you have habits? Habits are those things in life that more or less define you. Habits form your character. Is your walking with God a habit that defines who you are? While our appearances and circumstances will change, God will be your constant companion. Allow God to define you and make you who he wants you to be.
If are already walking with Jesus, continue to WALK with/like Him. You have a solid and strong foundation in Jesus. Continue to do what Jesus has modeled and taught us.
Are you tired of walking alone and carrying the load by yourself? You can ask Jesus to walk with you.
Not only will He walk with you, he will actually take your burden so you won’t have to carry it anymore. Ask Him, Give it a try and allow Him to be your walking companion. You will be blessed.
John Oorebeek
Highlands Youth For Christ



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