
Windmills – good if they aren’t in your own backyard

August 21, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

Re: Premier Called To Intervene in Wind War

Every week there has been an article in the local papers that reflect’s the opinion of Mayor Bill Hill of Melancthon, and the stance taken against the Dufferin Wind Project. After reading this week’s article, I have to respond to Mayor Bill Hill’s constant rants.

We need to look back at history; the year was 2005-11-04. The Banner Headlines state

$265M Melancthon Tswp wind project win’s approval.

Melancthon Mayor of the day stated the new project would mean more jobs for local populace; rental income for many farmers and the promise of tax revenue once the work is completed. It was noted that Phase I wind project for Melancthon led to work being awarded to 54 different contractors with local contractors getting more than $12M in new work and combined contractors & subcontractors getting more than $25M . Of the $2610 annual tax revenue Melancthon’s share of the property tax being $650 per turbine.

At that time Melancthon had control of the turbine developments and accepted the fact they were a good thing for the community with no facts to back it up.

Mr. Bill Hill was a councillor on that very council that supported Phase I & Phase II of the Canadian Hydro Developers (CHD) projects. Later holding the position of Deputy Mayor and continuing to support the completion of Phase II of the CHD project and Wind Plateau Project. He was also involved in the negotiations to gain some financial restitution from these wind farm developers, above the annual tax revenue.

Melancthon continues to accept these funds from these two wind developers for improvements to the community.

During the development of CHD phase II my wife and myself went before the council of the day in which Bill Hill presided and were told on several occasions that it was good for the community, set backs of 400 meters, decided by council were acceptable since they were increased from the original 300 meters of Phase I.

The Ontario government increased the setbacks to 550 meters. Any studies regarding flicker or any affects of the turbines were not requested by the council of the day.

So now we co-exist with a view of more than 80 turbines from my house, two of which are 530 meters away from my residence.

Mayor Bill Hill may be giving the illusion that he is working hard for the benefit of the community, stating we have enough turbines and working on a resolution to state Melancthon is not going to be a willing host and asking for moratoriums on future wind development. But at county meetings voting against increased setbacks and voting against shutdown existing developments until the affects can be understood.

So are the current wind developments good for the community. Has Trans Alta contributed to the community?

Are Wind Plateau & Trans Alta whole Canadian Companies? Or are they a foreign owned entity.

One must ask, why is Mayor Bill Hill passionate against the Dufferin Wind Project?

Is it truly because they are so called bullies, following the GEA rules and moving ahead as most companies or municipalities would, or is it really because they are now in his back yard. Making him a NIMBY.

Bart & Nancy Malloy,




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