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Shelburne BIA considering expansion

May 30, 2024   ·   0 Comments

Written By Paula Brown

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Shelburne Business Improvement Association (BIA) is looking to expand their boundaries and is asking for input from local business owners. 

The Shelburne BIA will host an information session on June 10 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Grace Tipling Hall to share their plans to expand the current boundaries. 

“The town is growing at an exponential rate, and there are a lot of new businesses coming to the community in the north end and the east end,” said Len Guchardi, BIA council representative. “The BIA has maintained the downtown area for quite some time, so the idea is to include them within the scope of the so they can reap the benefit from what the BIA does and how it supports the community businesses. 

The Shelburne BIA is composed of local business owners who work with the Town of Shelburne to support other business owners and commercial tenants within their downtown boundaries. The goal of the Shelburne BIA is to advocate on behalf of its members and work to create a thriving downtown through capital improvements, festivals and events. 

Events organized or supported by the Shelburne BIA each year include the Santa Claus Parade, Treats in the Streets, the Easter Egg Hunt, the Best Burger in the ‘Burne Contest, and Fridays in the Park. 

“The expansion of the number of businesses will expand our budget, and that’ll allow us to do more events and bigger events,” said Guchardi. 

During the meeting, local business owners will have the opportunity to learn about the Shelburne BIA’s vision for the expansion and will also give local building owners and business tenants the chance to share what they specifically want to see the BIA support in the community. 

Local business owners who are interested in attending the Shelburne BIA Expansion information meeting are asked to RSVP to [email protected] before June 6. 



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