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Shelburne’s first virtual reality arcade to open later this month

June 6, 2024   ·   0 Comments

Shelburne’s first virtual reality arcade to open later this month

Immerse yourself in new realities and experiences from exploring the world, practicing rhythm and music or even learning to fly. 

Legaci VR Verse, Shelburne’s first-ever virtual reality arcade, is gearing up to open its doors to customers later this month. The virtual reality arcade is located at 155 Main Street in Shelburne. 

“It’s an exciting time because of the fact that there’s nothing like this in Dufferin County,” said co-founder, Ann Marie Simpson-Pennant. 

“It’s something that’s fresh and new and that is gaining traction on the market. It’s been generating a lot of excitement, which we’re really happy to see,” said Eveanna Pennant, head of marketing and design.

The virtual reality arcade is owned and operated by five members of the Pennant family – Everton Sr., Everton Jr. (Carlos), Eveanna, Jordan and Ann Marie. The Pennant family, who have been residents in Shelburne for nearly a decade, first began exploring the idea of opening a virtual reality arcade for the local community in 2022. 

The family was inspired to open the virtual reality arcade based on their own enthusiasm for video games, board games and card games. 

“They do a lot of differently types of gaming and we decided this would be something that other people could benefit from,” said Ann Marie. 

The arcade has six individual stations for players to play on their own on the virtual reality headsets as well as a free-roam room, where larger groups can play multiplayer games together. 

The virtual arcade currently has six headsets to participate in the games, but expects to upgrade to 10 in the near future. Some of the games available to play include rhythm, cooking, Google Earth, fighting and shooting games, and a flight simulator. 

“Video games help bring people together, help them express their emotions and they also help relieve some stress of day-to-day life,” said Carlos Pennant, head of technology. “That’s want we want to give people here; a sense of community and unbridled fun.” 

The arcade is also looking to bring a mobile aspect to the arcade, which will allow for them to rent out to private events within the community. Legaci VR Verse will be testing its mobile option at the Canada Day celebration in Shelburne. 

“Come out and try it. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to come together with friends,” said Eveanna. 

In addition to the virtual reality arcade, Legaci VR Verse is also looking to open a space for board games and card games. 

To learn more about Shelburne’s first virtual reality arcade, visit 



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