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OPP investigating disturbance call in Adjala-Tosorontio

July 25, 2024   ·   0 Comments

Written By Brian Lockhart

The Nottawasaga Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police is currently seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the individuals involved in a disturbance investigation following an incident in Adjala-Tosorontio.

On July 17, between 3:30 and 4 p.m., Nottawasaga OPP attended the area of County Road 13 and Sideroad 5, just south of Everett for a report of a disturbance.

During the disturbance, the passenger had exited the vehicle, removed the driver and punched them before leaving and driving off with the vehicle. Shortly after, the passenger returned to the scene, forced the driver back into the vehicle and took off at a high rate of speed.

The vehicle was last seen northbound on County Road 13.

Police are trying to identify these individuals to check on their well-being.

The passenger is described as a white male with a skinny build with short, balding dark hair, wearing a black T-shirt, and aged 30 to 50.

The vehicle is described as an older black sedan, potentially a hatchback.

The investigation is still ongoing.

Police are urging members of the public who were involved or in the area of the incident to come forward with information. If you have dashcam or surveillance video to review between the time of 3:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. on July 17, please submit it to police.



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