August 29, 2024 · 0 Comments
Dufferin County sent delegates to the 2024 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Annual General Meeting and Conference that ran from Aug. 18 to 21.
Members of County Council and County officials met with government ministers and officials and municipal leaders from across the province to work together to advance Dufferin’s priorities.
“Dufferin County values collaboration and ongoing conversation with our partners, and appreciated the opportunity to meet with provincial Minsters and officials to discuss our shared priorities at the AMO Annual Conference. By working together and advancing our common goals, we can create a better quality of life for our residents and a community where everyone can thrive,” said Dufferin County Warden Darren White.
Priorities discussed included:
• Homelessness Prevention Program funding
• The creation of more deeply affordable and supportive housing to provide much needed housing and help restore affordability
• The impact of changes to the Development Charges Act including the phase-in provision, the continued elimination of land as an eligible expense and the removal of housing as an eligible service
• The amount of financial grants available to the heritage and cultural sector
• Increased government funding for museums like the Museum of Dufferin
• The funding formula for child care service managers
Approaching 2051, Dufferin is projected to grow by 59.5 per cent. The county is one of the fastest growing regions in Ontario and will have rapidly changing needs and operational demands. Dufferin County is committed to ongoing collaboration and partnership with its government partners to increase affordable and attainable housing options and ensure that programs, services and infrastructure align with changing community needs.
Dufferin County Strategic Plan 2023 to 2026
Dufferin County’s 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan is the County’s guide for the next four years and beyond. It includes priority areas and specific goals, in alignment with many provincial objectives.
Under the Plan, the County’s vision is to be a community that grows together. The Strategic Plan places a renewed focus on equity and inclusivity and sets out the County’s commitment to create a community where all can thrive.
“Dufferin County’s vision under our Strategic Plan is to be a community that grows together. To achieve that vision and advance key priorities like quality child care, affordable and attainable housing and supporting the cultural institutions that play a vital role in the well-being of our community, collaboration is required. We thank the Province for meeting with us and look forward to advancing our shared priorities,” said Dufferin County’s CAO Sonya Pritchard.