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Stop for school buses when red lights are flashing

September 5, 2024   ·   0 Comments

The Dufferin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) along with area school bus drivers are reminding drivers that a stopped school bus with its red overhead flashing lights and extended stop arm requires all approaching drivers to stop. 

“Drivers should also adjust their speed and be aware of extra vehicle traffic along with pedestrian traffic during school h! ours in school zones,” said the Dufferin OPP in a press release

In response to an increase in complaints of vehicles not stopping for school buses in Dufferin County, officers will be conducting extra patrols before and after school hours. 

Drivers that are found in violation will be served a Provincial Offences Notices for “Failing to stop for a School Bus” that comes with a price tag of $490 and six demerit points upon conviction.

Points to Remember

• Focus all of your attention on the road and put away unnecessary distractions. 

• Slowdown in school zones and respect the posted speed limit. There will be a higher-than-normal volume of students traveling between home and school by numerous methods of transportation.

• Be aware of school buses with their red flashing lights activated. The fine for passing a school bus with its red lights activated is $490 minimum and six demerit points.



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