October 24, 2024 · 0 Comments
Silent Auction: It’s that time of year again. While the Shelburne Public Library has plenty of exciting events this month, its most cherished event of the year is just around the corner — its Annual Silent Auction & Book Sale.
This year’s event will take place on Saturday, Nov. 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with bidding ending at 3:30 p.m.
If you have something you’d like to donate or have questions about the process, get in touch with Rose Dotten, Shelburne Public Library CEO by email at [email protected].
Upcoming Events: Thursday, Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. – Our favourite archivist, Laura, will be at your library with some spooky tales from Dufferin County. Registration is preferred.
Don’t forget we have Seniors Tech Tutoring appointments available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It’s the perfect opportunity to ask your tech questions in a non-judgmental environment. Call 519-925-2168 to book an appointment.
Recommended read of the week: The Shepherd of Princes by local author Mike Bonikowsky – In a ruined future where the only currency is strength, a small community struggles to maintain a place for weakness. But when a mysterious electric light appears in the southern sky, a young caregiver must leave the only home he has ever known in an effort to save that home. What he finds will call into question the nature of survival itself. The Shepherd of Princes is a novel about what it means, and what it costs, to care for another person. It is a meditation on the hidden gifts that make us human and a warning of the price to be paid when those gifts are refused.
Why Jade Recommends it: I don’t naturally gravitate to science or religious fiction, but the setting and characters of The Shepherd of Princes made the themes of this book accessible and enjoyable for me. Micah, our protagonist, is faced with a hero’s journey set in a reimagined, post-apocalyptic Dufferin County. Along the way, he meets a cast of characters that will steal your heart and compel you to see their journey to the end. Place your holds on the library’s copy or we also have a few copies for purchase available at the library for $25.
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