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Shelburne Public Library shares weekly news

October 31, 2024   ·   0 Comments

It’s that time of year again! 

Our most cherished event of the year is just around the corner — our Annual Silent Auction & Book Sale. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with bidding ending at 3:30 p.m.

If you have something you’d like to donate or have questions about the process, get in touch with Rose Dotten, Shelburne Public Library CEO ([email protected]). 

It’s also the best time of year to peruse our book sale and score a trove of reading material for $2 per bag!

We are transitioning to a new Interlibrary Loan platform at the beginning of November; no patrons will be able to order their own interlibrary loans once the switch takes place. Please call, email, or come in to the library so staff can order your books for you!

 Upcoming Events

Don’t forget we have Seniors Tech Tutoring appointments available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It’s the perfect opportunity to ask your tech questions in a non-judgmental environment. Call 519-925-2168 to book an appointment.

 Recommended Read of the Week: The Blue Maiden by Anna Noyes – In 1825, sisters Beata and Ulrika, obsessed by Berggrund Island’s dark past and their absent mother, find the arrival of a mysterious outsider leading them to The Blue Maiden island, the storied home of the Witches’ Sabbath and Satan’s realm, where they find the answers they’ve been searching for.

Why Molly Recommends it: Why are so many stories of suspense wrought around sisters? Here, on frosty well-delineated Berggrund Island, where everyone is afraid of witches, live wild, impulsive Beata, who is tormented by unexplained visions and wistful, romantic Ulrika, forced into the role of housekeeper in her mother’s absence. These sister protagonists are, of course, daughters to a predictably stalwart priest with a long-buried secret. The titular Blue Maiden is a small island off the coast, swirling in mist and mystery: always calling out to one sister or another. I love Noyes for her crisp prose and impeccable language. This novel offers an intricate family tale which will appeal to lovers of classical Gothic, just in time for Halloween.



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