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Dufferin-Caledon Liberals gather in record numbers to nominate Malalai Halimi 

January 30, 2025   ·   0 Comments

The Dufferin-Caledon Federal Liberal Association is celebrating a historic milestone after hosting one of the best-attended nomination meetings in the riding association’s history on Jan. 18. 

The event brought together over 100 Liberals from across the community to show their support for Malalai Halimi, the Liberal candidate for the next federal election. 

“The meeting, held at Hockley Valley Resort in Mono, drew an unprecedented crowd of supporters, volunteers, and local community leaders, reflecting the growing momentum of the Liberal movement in Dufferin-Caledon,” said a press release from Malalai Halimi’s campaign.  

Brampton East MP Maninder Sidhu attended the nomination meeting and energized those in attendance ahead of Malalai’s acceptance speech. 

“This turnout is a testament to the incredible work of our riding association and the strength of our Liberal values in this community,” said Dmytro Basmat, Halimi’s campaign manager. “We’re building something truly special here, and it’s clear that residents are energized and ready to have Halimi bring change to Dufferin-Caledon.” 

In addition to historic attendance, the event served as a rallying cry for local Liberals as the association looks ahead to a pivotal election year. The riding association’s fundraising efforts have already reached new heights, allowing Liberals in Dufferin-Caledon to connect with more residents across the community and share Halimi’s vision for a brighter future. 

Halimi, a business manager and entrepreneur, thanked attendees for their overwhelming support. 

“Seeing so many passionate, like-minded Liberals coming together fills me with hope and excitement for what we can achieve together,” Halimi said during her speech. “This is a pivotal moment for our community and our country. The stakes are high, but so is our potential. I am confident that we can turn Dufferin-Caledon red and make history together.” 



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