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Dufferin OPP launch ‘Lock it or Lose it’ program to help residents protect possessions

March 20, 2025   ·   0 Comments

Dufferin OPP officers are encouraging residents to secure their vehicles, homes, and belongings with the return of their “Lock It or Lose It” program. 

The “Lock It or Lose It” initiative aims to reduce the risk of theft and remind the public about the importance of protecting their possessions

Key Benefits of the Program:

• Reduced Theft Risk: By locking your vehicles and securing valuables, you significantly lower the chances of theft in your neighborhood.

• Community Engagement: Dufferin OPP officers are engaging with the public, offering education on crime prevention, and building trust within the community.

• Peace of Mind: Knowing your belongings are secure helps you feel safer and more confident in your daily activities.

• Crime Prevention: This proactive program helps deter thieves, making it more difficult for them to target easy opportunities.

Throughout the program, Dufferin OPP officers will be out in the community, speaking with residents and educating them about simple steps to prevent theft, such as locking doors and securing valuables. Officers will also be conducting patrols to ensure that vehicles and properties are locked and safe.

Dufferin OPP is cautioning residents to not be alarmed if they see an officer “out and about”. 

“Taking a few extra seconds to lock your care or home can make a huge difference in preventing theft,” said Dufferin OPP. “Let’s all do our part to make Dufferin County a safer place for everyone. Stay alert, stay secure, and remember, Lock It or Lose It.” 



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