
The Rob Ford Era

November 14, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

In January, questions will be asked when the municipal election candidates come forward to sign up for the October 2014 election.

In light of the Rob Ford admissions and his refusal to resign, will the candidates be required to admit they’re drug users?

If they’re not, then will evasiveness and misrepresentation be more requirements for a place on the slate?

If none of the above, will candidates have to sign a pledge of allegiance to the closest police chief?

The dynamics of municipal politics and the operations of local government were changed the day Toronto decided Rob Ford would make an excellent mayor.

I think Torontonians and, indeed, all Ontarians have to decided if they want Rob Ford clones running our municipal affairs.

If the electorate wants men and women without moral values to steer our cities, towns and villages, then so be it!

Vaughan G. Harris,


Editor’s note: Vaughan, I don’t think the fact that Toronto mayor, Rob Ford, has an obvious drug and alcohol addiction makes him “without values”.  Mayor Ford has done an excellent job running the City of Toronto, saving taxpayers millions of dollars. His mistake (one of many it seems) was giving the best part of himself to the city, and forgetting to take care of himself during his off time. Mayor Ford could have benefited from some better PR people as well.  Like any addict, Rob Ford has the right to take a leave of absence and get the help he needs before resuming his post. As your comments concern the upcoming municipal election, I do not think candidates need to reveal their personal histories, nor should they form alliances with the police. Your letter, however, has led me to change a few of the questions I’m preparing for the upcoming pre-election debates.



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