
Springing into action

November 14, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

Has the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, installed springs in the chair bottoms of his fellow Conservatives in the House of Commons?

Last week, we’ve had two spectacles: first, the Prime Minister actually answering questions in – you’ve got it – question period and second, with each short answer and spinning answer from the PM, his cohorts flew into the air with their hands flapping in thunderous applause.

I’d like to know where the switch is that can actually propel the Conservatives upwards because this is the only time they move quickly – on anything! Are they almost comatose and need help to stand erect?

The Senate scandal is spinning out of control, but the PM doesn’t have any idea of the damaged caused. Canadians aren’t fooled by the new and direct answers from Stephen Harper.

Eventually, will the Prime Minister be ranked as one of the best story-tellers in Canadian history? Will the Tory caucus continue to spring from their chairs to surround him like a herd of muskoxen?

The federal Tories are sinking in the polls and, hopefully will be thrown into the trashcan of history in the next election.

But, we have a problem: the Liberals, and that Trudeau guy, are still mulling over some sort of announcement on their policies and the NDP (my party) haven’t quite found the edges of the winning page.

Vaughan G. Harris,




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