
Student injured by charging buck

November 14, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Copy of letter originally sent to school body, after a student was charged and injured by a deer during a walk in the woods on early dismissal day while waiting for buses to come. The student is now back at school, and doing fine.

Dear parent and students:

By now you will have heard about the unfortunate incident that affected our grade 8 class on Friday, our early dismissal day. One of our students was badly hurt by a charging buck in our nearby woods and was taken to Sick Children’s hospital. I’ve waited until now to bring you up-to-date on this because we were waiting to hear how our student is doing.

We are getting constant updates from the student’s Mom – he’s out of surgery and having his other injuries assessed and treated. He is badly banged up but will be OK. This is very good news, and we thank the family for keeping us informed of his progress.

We know that we have several other students who were there that were frightened as a result of the incident. We contacted our Head Psychologist who made sure that a social worker was at the school today to talk to these students and anyone else who is anxious, worried or upset. Thanks also to the teacher who spent a lot of the weekend talking with students.

We’re all pleased and relieved that our student is doing well and we thank you for understanding the situation.


Mike Quinn


Primrose Elementary School



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