
EDITORIAL: The Giving Back Project – an update

December 4, 2013   ·   0 Comments

I am very proud to say that we have connected 6 families this Christmas through our 1st Annual ‘The Giving Back Project’ initiative.

That is 12 different families in total that will wake up Christmas morning and know the true meaning of the holidays.

Although our program registration is now closed, we feel good about what we’ve accomplished – understanding where we went right and what we could do to improve the Project next year.

The things I am most proud of, with regard to The Giving Back Project – a system that connects families in need with families living in abundance – are: we did not make anyone qualify their need for help. We did not scrutinize their T4 slip or make them prove their case. All they needed to do to get approved was simply ask. Of the giving families, I am most proud of the sheer willingness to give. Who do you know that’s in need? How can I help? When can I get started? Is all they would ask.

In a letter from one family, a single mother with a few small children, she said, “This Christmas, when my children ask, I can honestly tell them that there REALLY is a Santa Claus”.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt more proud. Proud of the connectivity this newspaper allows for and proud to live in a society that believes in Giving Back.

By Wendy Gabrek




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