
Woollys Yarns & Knit a Mitt Day

December 11, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Nine years ago an idea was born at Woollys Yarns in Shelburne by original owner Kathy Fisher.  “Knit a Mitt Day” is an annual event where customers and staff gather to knit a mitt, crochet a hat, knit scarves, even sweaters and the finished products are donated each year to the Christmas Hamper Program.

Present owner Maxine Walsh is very proud of the program commenting, “People sometimes donate yarn and this can be used for the Hampers or we sell donated yarn for $2 and donate the proceeds to the Shepherd’s Cupboard. Old Mill Knitting often donates end of the lines and that helps.”

Over the years, Walsh concedes to having donated thousands of items and is quick to acknowledge all contributors as more than 30 knitters contributed this year.

“Special thanks to Gladys Evans and Hazel Keating for all their hard work and dedication.” Walsh adds that some ladies knit all year just to donate and help people stay warm.

The reason so many people are in need is a very simple one as Walsh explains, “There is not a lot of work in the area and salaries are not going up while everything else is!”

Fortunately for Shelburnites, there is a group of generous knitters committed to Knit A Mitt Day.

Contact Woollys Yarns located at 138 Main St. W, if you have any questions at 519 925-6194, e-mail or visit

By Alex Sher




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