
Crossroads Community Church: preparing for Good Friday

March 19, 2014   ·   0 Comments

• At Crossroads we are eagerly preparing for the Shelburne Ministerial Community Good Friday Service to be presented at the Dufferin Oaks Auditorium on April 18th at 10 a.m.

After a blistery Saturday, the Lord greeted us and the Son shone brightly, Pastor Don smiled, shared announcements and offered the service in prayer; we remember those who have lost loved ones this winter due to harsh driving conditions and we pray for those facing uncertain times due to unemployment or health concerns; may they find healing peace as they put their trust in the Lord who comforts, provides and heals. Worship was lively and uplifting then Pastor Don came to feed us the word of God.

“What makes an Olympian a podium contender and winner? They get off on the right start right?” Whether we are parents or teachers we also aim to steer our children to the right start for a successful life. As a Pastor I also bring the word of God in order to guide and instruct you to repentance, salvation and following what is pleasing to God, all these teachings are all about preparation for a better life. Can we agree that the road to a better life begins with God? God left us His word to steer us the right way, (Hebrews 1:1). In the times before Jesus He spoke through angels,(Genesis 16:8-9). God also speaks through visions,(Genesis 15:1). Many times we fear what lies ahead but trusting God will bring us through it. Throughout the Bible God spoke, he created life, he birthed a nation, freed that nation, made it a dynasty, taught and corrected that nation and alerted that nation through men, prophets, judges and angels that He chose to share part of His plan, but they were only parts of a puzzle. This all changed when He sent His son Jesus, (Hebrews 1:2), Jesus was the fulfillment of the puzzle, the crowning of God’s plan. Jesus is the image of God,(Colossians 1:15-16).

Jesus is supreme, no one can rival or equal Him, He is the Lord of all. He is superior in every way and He is the final word and the only right way to God, (John 14:6). Through Jesus we have the benefits of becoming children of God, He is our path to God and the reality of all His promises and His life becomes our eternal life. Jesus’ supremacy is in creation, we are all created for Him we are His and without Him we have nothing, our existence depends on Him,(John 1:3). We may sometimes feel like God doesn’t understand or that He is not concerned with us, this is a lie keeping us in darkness, evil does not want us to see God’s light nor does it want us be the light for others to find Jesus, but nothing is impossible for God, He is our light and He does care, His light will never be extinguished,(John 1:5). When we follow His light, we can avoid falling into sin and we can see where we can let Him shine bringing hope and care to those who need it. Jesus is the glorious radiance of God, before Jesus’ sacrifice, God appeared behind the veil of the temple, now He shines bright for all to see,(John 1:14).

Jesus is the exact representation of God, not just a piece of the puzzle, He is the full puzzle! Jesus told His apostle Phillip that anyone who has seen Him has seen the Father! (John 14:9-10). When we daily seek Jesus, we see God plain and simple and when we trust him Jesus is the sustainer of all things, (Colossians 1:17). Jesus is our forgiveness and redemption purifying us from all sins, our final sacrifice, we no longer need to offer lambs as in the old testament because Jesus is the perfect sacrificial lamb buying our pardon and making atonement once and for all,(Hebrews 9:11-14). We can be certain that Jesus’ superiority does not end here, after His life and sacrificial death, He was risen as the greatest message to mankind, God gave Him all authority, He is ruler of all things in heaven and earth He has the power to defeat all evil and we can place our faith in Him for no evil powers of this world can separate us from His Love. Contrary to some beliefs, Jesus is not a superior angel, Jesus is God among us, our Immanuel and he alone deserves our worship, (Matthew 28:18Hebrews1:4-5).

Beloved we began 2014 with a simple resolution, to grow closer in our relationship with God, our “Right Start” begins with Jesus our firm foundation and the way to maintain our Right Start is staying on the right path with Him for He is the way the truth and the life. As we approach the “Passion Season of Christ” may we remember that the same Spirit that empowered Jesus in the garden the night of his arrest, the Spirit that led him to the cross and raised Him from the grave is the same power and Spirit available to us to overcome any circumstance and will grow and strengthen our relationship with God through Jesus. May God send His Spirit to those seeking Him this week Asherey Shalom!

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