
Liberal candidate responds to Free Press article

June 12, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

As the campaign winds to an end, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone in our community for the time and openness they consistently showed me during the election. It’s one thing to live here as a citizen and receive the general cordial and welcoming neighbourly treatment. It’s another thing entirely to be invited into home after home for personal, meaningful conversations. I’ve always been enamoured with our unique riding, but now I’m positively in love with it and the special people who live here.

I don’t think that the people of Ontario were looking forward to going to the polls this summer, but when the NDP voted against the budget, we were all left without much of a choice. Like so many people who answered knocks on their doors from campaign volunteers or made the trip out to see the debates, we’ve all done our part to contribute to a vibrant democracy.

I decided to run in this election because there are real issues that as a resident of Caledon East I want to see addressed.

At the doors I have heard over and over again that folks are scared about Hudak’s plan to fire 100 000 public sector workers. So am I. Those kinds of reckless cuts affect the entire economy, and could likely plunge us back into a recession. Losing nurses, firefighters, personal support workers, and teachers is what we should be talking about. Tim Hudak’s promise to cut the Municipal Partnership Fund – which would mean $800K less per year for Shelburne policing and other essential services – is what we should be talking about.

Last week, when Marni Walsh wrote that I look, “more like a fashion model than a politician”, she discounted all the work I did to earn this candidacy. I have an MBA. I am an educator. I run a successful green business within the hospitality industry. I am ready to be a strong voice for Dufferin-Caledon.

Just like Ms. Walsh judged me, some people would judge our community too. They would look at Dufferin-Caledon and see nothing more than a safe Conservative seat. Let’s start a new chapter. Let’s vote to change our representation here.

If you vote Conservative, I’m not asking you to change your mind. I’m asking you to consider voting for me, just once, to send a message that you don’t support Hudak’s job cuts. If you vote NDP or Green, I’m asking you to lend me your vote to help Dufferin-Caledon get the effective representation it needs.

Your neighbour,

Bobbie Daid, Local Liberal candidate



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