
The real value of a woman

July 10, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

So this is what it has descended into: a reporter telling readers the aspiring politician “looks more like a fashion model than a politician” and the lady in question repeats the phrase herself. As to what was the intention of the reporter’s observation is only a guess; some may see it as a compliment, some not, but in today’s fashion scene anything goes, which speaks well for equality, and beauty may or may not mean any and everything nowadays. A funny goes that when God created Adam he took a look at him and decided he needed a companion; He than lovingly and carefully formed and fashioned Eve, and after having taken a rest He looked at his creation and decided that the lady Eve needed makeup. So what has happened since then? Do we refuse to believe that God erred so mercilessly that too many women came from their mother’s belly with the wrong hair, wrong eyes, wrong lips, wrong boobs, wrong stomach, wrong butts, wrong unmentionable parts, wrong nails, wrong everything, and that only the cosmetic industries and cosmetic surgeons, beauty professionals and “experts” can fix them up for “only few cents a day”?. If any of the ladies are crying poverty, it is notable that it is those few cents a day that make multi-billiion-dollar businesses, excessive profits for the industry and multi-millionaire individuals who are adept at taking over the minds of the masses with few exceptions, it seems. as they watch so many women mangle their own selves from hair all the way down to toe nails. They don’t stop there; the lust for profits is too hard to cure so they have men believe they too are wrong in their natural selves. Women have been heard to express joy that men now have to endure the same torture, especially the waxing and bottled hair bits. Of course women are happy when men take life’s lessons from them, but is this their favourite page out of the whole book? ( Equality is a great thing, but it is turning out to be a very fascinating thing with men pushing during childbirth, for example, to aid in the delivery and to share the pain of labour. This has led a famous movie star to complain that he feared developing piles in the process. Similar situation has led to a young girl wondering out loud “piles of what” ?) Tragedy is that little boys and girls are now being hauled into the salons to right their bodily wrongs. What will happen to these little ones if they manage to reach age of 20 or 40, or so, and have by then tried everything and still not found their “self esteem”?. Even little old ladies are filled with worry about their looks and can’t beat it fast enough to the saloons for their “feel good”. How is this all really helping anyone except the profiteers? Now back to the fashion model bit: “experts” have suggested women could not be successful if they had long hair. As women cropped up their hair atop their head, men sprang into action with long locks in pony tails and curls; not sure if they were told they couldn’t be successful with short hair, but it appears that they were convinced they will not be much of a man with hairy chest and legs. The day will come when women will rebel. Strong, confident women don’t need to follow trends or fads connected to the myth of beauty. Only a few hours after the debate with Kathleen Wynne and her two opponents a silly man, the “expert”, condemned Kathleen’s fitting suit. When pressed for clarity, he fumbled and mumbled that she had “silly little buttons” on her suit. She won. He lost. Kathleen is beautiful without confirming to anybody’s confused idea of beauty. Nobody fools anybody with augmented body parts. Women will not stand for putting all those chemicals in their body for ever even though health care is there to care for them if and when they succumb to serious effects of the chemicals which industries will never admit to, for they love the money too much. Women will rise up like smart people did when they were tired of putting poison on their lawn to kill off “weeds”. Now “imperfect”, leafy lawns with harmless dandelions is once again gracing the landscape and sparing the air a little bit at a time. Women too will spare their bodies, and minds, and selfworth a little bit at a time, when they realize they are being made to look like they all came off the same assembly line with the same filed, chiselled, coloured, tanned or whitened look that is only different and at the same time more alike than ever before, as if it were all a body burka concealing the real woman underneath.

Gloria Ramnath Shelburne



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