
Shelburne Rotary Club mentors student entrepreneurs

July 16, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Each year, Rotarians across Canada host Camp Enterprise. Never heard of it? Perhaps the next young entrepreneur you meet may be the positive result of having attended Camp Enterprise.

Shelburne Rotary hosted Camp Enterprise in May 2014, which is a 3 1/2 day business boot camp for selected high school students held at YMCA Cedar Glenn. According to Cedar Glen’s Website, Camp Enterprise began in 1976 in Canada and was started by the Youth Service Committee of the Rotary Club. Students are given the gift of business knowledge and entrepreneurial ship, which is in keeping with the Rotarian’s philosophy of maintaining the highest shared work ethics possible.

Although, according to past president, Rotarian Real Gagnon stated attendance was down from 65 students to 49, this camp was a great success and the students were very pleased with what they learned.

At no cost to the student, the camp walks the students through what it takes to start your own business, and while it’s done only on paper as a practice run, the very real life experience provides these kids with self-esteem, the ability to develop public speaking skills, knowledge, and the confidence to know they can start their own business whenever they want or need to. What a powerful skill to have in today’s economy knowing one can support themselves in a weakened job market.

In addition to meeting students from other areas, the kids learn about collaboration when conceiving an idea, developing an idea, turning that idea into a marketable and viable product, developing a business plan, business strategy and will even discover what it takes to get a bank loan, which can be the most intimidating part of the whole process, even to adults.

At the end of the experience, awards are handed out and this year, the Rotarians acknowledged three Centre Dufferin District High School students with a celebratory dinner noting one special student for having received a special certificate for showing the most leadership.

C.D.D.H.S students, Manojh Balakumaran (Bala), 16, Kevin Stinson,16, and Jennifer Vandeyssel 16, explained their experience during their speeches.

“I’m grateful to the Rotarians because even though I own my own cat sitting business, I can be shy and over that three day period of time I made some great friends. We got close and will stay in touch which is really cool,” commented Stinson.

“I’m planning to be an aviation Technician in the Military. I will be able to use everything I learned at Camp Enterprise always,” explained Vandeyssel.

“I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, but as it turned out I liked everything about it and I learned a lot about networking, and marketing,” commented Bala, winner of the Student Who Showed The Most Leadership Award. Bala learned so much that he trademarked the trio’s business ideas which are all brilliant, and potentially big income earning ideas.

Past President Rèal Gagnon, “Groups were able to mingle, learn and some kids have gone on to create their own real businesses. Our rules while attending are very strict and I’ve been Head Chaperone for seven years. It’s a lot of fun and it’s an exposure to people who have real business experience.”

For more information, about YMCA Cedar Glenn, call 905 859-9622, visit website at, or contact past president, Rotarian, Real Gagnon 519 925-1418.

By Alex Sher

Shelburne’s own, Centre Dufferin District High School student, Manojh Bala took home the Student Who Showed the Most Leadership Award at this year’s Camp Enterprise sponsored by Shelburne Rotarians, and gave a speech at a celebratory dinner  at the Rotary Club in Shelburne held on June 12th.

Shelburne’s own, Centre Dufferin District High School student, Manojh Bala took home the Student Who Showed the Most Leadership Award at this year’s Camp Enterprise sponsored by Shelburne Rotarians, and gave a speech at a celebratory dinner at the Rotary Club in Shelburne held on June 12th.

Rotarian sponsored Camp Enterprise held at YMCA Cedar Glen, another success!

Rotarian sponsored Camp Enterprise held at YMCA Cedar Glen,
another success!



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