
Speeders, please slow down!

August 20, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Recent reports have to the Shelburne Free Press reveal that Shelburne has a serious speeding problem upon entering the Town of Shelburne via Victoria St., also referred to as Third Line.
Residence on that stretch are concerned and urge drivers to slow down reminding Shelburne there are children and pets who live in that area and report some drivers do not slow down from 80kph to the requested road sign of 50kph until well into the Town of Shelburne.
“Enforcing speed limits continues to be a high priority for the Shelburne Police Service on the main throughways as well as residential roads. It is well known that speeding not only increases the chances of being involved in a collision, but also increases the severity and potential consequences of the collision. Speeding endangers not only the occupants of the speeding vehicle, but endangers occupants of other vehicles, pedestrians and pets. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility – including drivers, pedestrians and pet owners. Driver’s need to operate at a safe speed according to conditions and surroundings. Drivers also need to pay full attention to driving without distractions from devices such as cellphones. Pedestrians also need to be aware of their surroundings and cross roads safely. Pet owners need to keep pets on a leash and not allow them to wander on the roadways. The Shelburne police encourages everyone to do their part to keep our roads safe,” commented Constable Paul Neumann of the Shelburne Police Service.
A recommended tip to remember for the safety of everyone involved is for driver’s to realize they should already be slowing down when they see the cautionary speed limit sign of 50kph to ensure they are actually driving at 50kph when they reach town limits.

By Alex Sher



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