
Editorial not based upon truth

June 13, 2019   ·   0 Comments


Editorials should be based upon the truth, but the editorial “Wedge Issue” is neither based on the truth nor presents the truth. 

The editorial states “Pence was in Ottawa to talk about the upcoming ratification of the USMCA free trade agreement, also known as NAFTA 2.0 and not to be ambushed by Trudeau on the re-heated issue of abortion.” Had the author of “Wedge Issue” spent the 46 minutes it took to watch the entire joint press conference, he would have seen that Prime Minister Trudeau did not raise the issue of abortion in his speech; he did not ambush Vice-President Pence. 

The issue of abortion was first raised in the public session during a question from a reporter from Le Devoir. A previous question from another reporter had asked about the different foreign policy approaches taken by the United States and Canada in dealing with Cuba. Clearly the reporter’s questions were attempting to drive a wedge between the US Vice-President and our‎ Prime Minister. 

Contrary to your editorial Wedge Issue, nothing in the words or the body language of the US Vice-President indicated he felt “ambushed” or “embarrassed”, in fact the CBC reporters on Power and Politics commented about the relaxed friendship that appeared to exist between the two leaders, despite them having some policy differences. 

Your ownership of the newspaper gives you the right to heap praise on all things Conservative and bash everything done by Liberals, as you have done for years but you have a responsibility to your readers to present the truth and base your editorials on facts. 

Your editorial “Wedge Issue” did neither and I for one, who has read your paper for over 50 years and advertised in it for over 30, deserve better than you are providing. We all deserve the truth not fake news from our local newspaper. 

Ed Crewson

Shelburne resident



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