
All platforms have climate frailties

September 12, 2019   ·   0 Comments

EDITORIAL WITH CLIMATE CHANGE posing as a major issue to be dealt with by Canada’s political parties in the run-up to the Oct. 21 federal ...

Medical research

By BRIAN LOCKHART In December of 1903, Orville Wright climbed onto the lower wing of a primitive, sort of backward looking airplane, and managed to ...

We should leave the negative politicking to the other side

OUR READERS WRITE Barb Shaughnessy’s barrage of criticism, through two nomination campaigns and subsequently, confirms my earlier decision to not vote for her, even as ...

How about planting a billion trees?

EDITORIAL THERE NOW SEEMS little doubt that one issue common to both our federal election next month and the U.S. presidential election next year will ...

Unreasonable speed limits

Written by BRIAN LOCKHART People who are vegetarian have been around for years – a lot of years.  Vegetarianism is not something that started 20 ...

Let’s level the playing field

EDITORIAL IT’S NOT TOO OFTEN that the editorial board of The Globe and Mail finds a single issue so important that it occupies two full ...

Those who live in glass houses

By BRIAN LOCKHART You’ve all heard the saying about throwing stones when you’re living in a glass house. That’s solid advice for just about everyone. ...

Why not a plea deal following SNC Lavalin debacle?

EDITORIAL WITH LESS THAN TWO MONTHS now remaining before the October 21 federal election, it’s a “lead-pipe cinch” that the Commons Ethics Committee won’t be ...

Electric vehicles

By BRIAN LOCKHART Do you remember the Hagersville tire fire? That was quite the fire that happened back in 1990 near Hagersville, Ontario.  It was ...

The possibility of a coalition government taking office in Ottawa?

EDITORIAL IF RECENT POLLING is any indication, the October 21 election will result in, for the first time since 1867, no one party having a ...

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